@highfigh I think I understand your position now. Earlier in the thread it seemed that you supported the rollback of the privacy regulations simply because it was Obama who ordered the regulations in the first place. Was I mistaken? Are you instead saying you're suspicious of the consequences of the regulations, that maybe there were unrelated riders attached increasing taxes on the rich or drowning puppies or some other hidden treachery?
You were way off on that. I really don't care which party writes and passes legislation if it's good legislation and helps the country. The ACA doesn't do that. I saw a quote from Obama that because of Obamacare (that's what HE called it- tell me that's not at least a bit arrogant), over 120,000 people who previously weren't, are now insured. That's .037%. The quote would have to be missing a comma and some zeros if it's not correct because all of the bluster and BS are a lot to go through if it only added 120K people to the ranks of the insured. If I could find an unbiased link about the numbers, I would post it. If they added 1.2M people, it's still not worth it if all of the division is accounted for.
This is the best they could come up with?
As long as I'm unable to dissuade you from ranting about the ACA in this online privacy thread, let me just suggest that the real problem with the ACA is that it does nothing to address health care affordability. I've always thought that efforts directed toward insurance companies to address exorbitant health care costs were about as useful as starting a war in Iraq in response to 9/11. It's a noisy and distracting effort directed at the wrong target.
Health care providers understand there's an inelastic demand for their services regardless of the cost, so
they can get away with charging $100 for Tylenol or $3000 for two hours in the recovery room after surgery. And as long as insurance companies continue to sign blank checks to cover the claims, the cost of insurance will stay high. We need an advocate to negotiate the costs down to more reasonable levels before universal coverage can happen.
I wrote a letter to Bob Corker explaining this view a few weeks ago, but he didn't bother to respond. I also suggested that maybe if hospitals and clinics could post prices for their procedures in a common format similar to nutritional info on food, that patients would be free to bargain hunt for non-emergent services, saving their insurance providers money, which could in turn lower premiums for everyone. I don't think it's unreasonable to comparison shop within the region who charges the lowest fee for an endoscopy, or to know before you receive the bill how much to expect to pay for surgery to remove gall stones, and whether the cost is significantly less in the hospital in the next county. And maybe if the prices were made more public, then the free market could do a better job at controlling health care costs.