Left side is Patio slider, so I can't change the position. what if for now
They knocked my door once already to tone down, I'd no idea then that sound can hit up top floor, I though its only the guys below who can have problem with it, I was playing loud although. Even If I get a sub, I will have to keep the level low.
Low frequency travels every direction, to the side, to the people upstairs and the people downstairs making it possible to piss off a lot of people at one time.
I can't change the position either because left side is patio slider. Can hit $450 if I sell bose 201 and return 161.
The big issue with an apartment is the rules and neighbor tolerance or the lack thereof. What I did way back in the day when full range speakers hit pretty low was to schedule things with the neighbors so they knew when I was going to have it turned up a little. Sadly, with a good sub that digs deep, even in a night time mode the neighbors will hear it. I don't care what the AVR manufacturers say if my wife can hear the system upstairs at low volume in night time mode, so will your neighbors. Also, this mode isn't worth using anyway.
Something to think of for the future is if you buy mains that can dig into the 30's then when you do buy a subwoofer you can cross the mains off at 60 and still get decent sound with the sub(s) off and only use them when you let the neighbors know you're going to watch a movie and want a bit more ooompphhh hopefully they're good neighbors.
If people are complaining now with literally no real bass (the 201's aren't known for digging deep) plus Bose is also not known for giving all the specs for their speakers which is yet another reason to avoid them.
Save for decent mains, of which there are many for a low budget and work your way up, trust me, a good pair of mains will change everything about how your system sounds.
Also, stop looking at new, you can save a lot buying used.