I think your concern is dramatically overblown, particularly since ISPs have access to so much less data than Google. For details, see
Lets agree to disagree. It's false thinking to compare ISPs and search/social media giants.
a) you PAY prior for the service, while you get a free services from the later.
b) you CAN choose NOT to use ether of later providers, but something like 90% of Americans (or even higher) don't have a choices of ISP capable of broadband speeds (25mbs down or higher) - only one local options
As for linked paper in addition to points a and b let me touch of some of author points:
1) Multiple device access - yes, many people use multiple devices and providers, but it's not hard to track user across all devices - google for VZW Super-cookie etc..
2)Pervasive encryption - Yes, https is becoming more common (partially thanks to LetsEncrypt/Mozilla foundation efforts). HTTPS will stop ISP (in most cases, but not all) from sniffing the CONTENT of webpages you visit, BUT it will absolutely NOT stop them from knowing the important bits of website address you've visited
3) Shift in Domain name lookup - this is a bit inaccurate, but tools like DNSCrypt will provide some extra privacy, but even with HTTPS site, the base address (ie Domain name) does get sent in clear text and ISP will see it, regardless of obfuscating DNS lookup. YES VPN service will obviously stop ISP from getting that sweet sweet browsing data, but not all VPN providers are equally good. You may just giving it away to another guy. Remember, as Wayde said - if you getting it free, then you're the product.
Regarding to Non-ISP points - Agreed, they already know crapton about you, but at least you've a choice not to use them at all. They are alternatives for every single Non-ISP service provider.
Again, Can't be said same thing about you local ISP broadband monopoly.
Few more points:
a) the method used to roll-back this regulation ENSURES than it is IMPOSSIBLE to re-introduce it ever again.
b) FTC not just lacks the rule making authority regarding ISPs, but they are also underfunded and already overly busy. FTC are also not able to make wide rules, only acts on individual cases.