Wouldn't be worthless to me. Like I said previously, with 20/16 corrected vision, I can easily resolve the pixels on a 1080p 17“ screen sitting 1 meter away. In Walmart I can easily see the difference between 1080p and 4k even on 42“ displays at a distance of 12 feet. My brother has an iPhone with a retina display (I think it's similar to 1080p on a 4“ screen), my phone is similarly sized at 4“ and 720p and there is a clearly noticeable improvement on his phone holding them 24" from my face. The whole idea behind those "what distance/size does 720p, 1080p, and 4k become resolvable" charts is putting it too simply. If I listened to those charts 480p on a 24“ TV at 7' should look no worse than 720p, yet the SD channels on cable still look bad compared to the HD ones on my bedroom TV.
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Most people have 20/20 vision, so that's what I basing my statements on, not the exception to the rule. You have people out there that claim their ears can resolve 24bit/192khz audio, some even claim they can hear infrasounds so they go out and spend big bucks on the biggest, baddest, most powerful subwoofers, those people are the exceptions. Again, my statements are directed to the rest of use mere mortals, that aren't capable of that.
You can try to discredit the charts, but what other science, mathematics or objective measurements we have to reply upon. It is a fact that human eye sight a limit to the amount resolution we can resolve, the charts is a way to show and explain how that's measured.
However, consumers in this hobby are so susceptible to hype and marketing, almost as bad as the people that upgrade their Iphone every year.
The manufacturing and marketing 4K TV is "Planned Obsolesce" at its best. Apple is good at planned obsolesce, it seems the display manufacturers have learned well from Apple.
It is disappointing to read comments from people in forums like this, AVS forum, Blu Ray Forum, etc., which are supposed to consist of folks that are more informed about consumer electronic products, especially A/V gear, than the rest of the masses, and less than susceptible to the marketing hype than your everyday, prototypical, unlearned consumer.
For example, if I was to come into any one of the aforementioned forums and post that "Bose speakers are the best" many of the members, especially those that hold themselves up as being knowledgeable, would come at me in the swiftest and explain to me the many reason why Bose are not the best speakers, in spite of Bose powerful marketing at convinced to purchase Bose in the first place.
I should have known that the "Marketeers" are smarter than us here on forum boards, they know the psychology behind the human mind and what drives us to purchase products, and more than not its has nothing to with practicality, science and objectivity. For example, we will purchase a 55 inch 4K TV and sit 10 feet from and proclaim the greatness of 4K resolution.
4K was and is a hugely successful marketing campaigned, especially if it can seduce those that aren't supposed to be susceptible to such seductions.
By the way, 4K TV is already obsolete. 8K is already in the works, it might be a while, but its coming. We will be back here again, just like in the Matrix movies, those that we claim how much for 8K blows away 4K on their new 55 inch 8K from 10 feet.