My Take on 4K'
- They have come down in price so much, it's at a similar price point 1080p was a year ago
- You can't get over the screen size vs distance to see a difference, that is fact
- What you do get with 4k TV, is better color (HDR) usually better contrast ratios etc because
TV Manufacturers aren't investing new technology into 1080P TVs
- HDR Color if done right is a noticeable difference on video content, 1080P doesn't have that
- Even if you can not pass through 4K content on your receiver, most people will buy a smart TV that has 4K apps built in (Hulu/Vudu/Netflix/Amazon) with HDR (High Dynamic Range) Color
If I were in the market today for a TV I would get a 4K just for those reasons. As for your receiver, if it only has 1.3 HDMI you don't have ARC (Audio Return Channel), which for me is worth the upgrade alone, but for most probably not that big a deal.
As someone who has taken the time to do the research and implement Dolby Atmos, I would miss it if I went back to 7.2. Support is growing as more and more movies on blu-ray are including it. I will preface that I am more in the minority on this subject.
Your Question
Let's assume 4K becomes the new 1080p, would a blu ray player still be able to output down converted 1080p via HDMI 1.3a/1.4?
- Standard Blu-ray players are native 1080p and can already display content to 720p
- The only issue you would have is if you purchased a 4K blu-ray player then you would not be able to display content because you would not have HDCP (Copy Protection for 4K Content) which requires HDMI 2.0
I know that is a lot of info and confusing, but never going to be an issue if you don't buy a 4k player.