Classical music is something you have to go there to see it, kind of like opera.
Most days I just don't have the time to get that involved.
I attended a few orchestral events as a kid. My guitar teacher was in one and invited us to attend. What I remember from that event was asking myself "where in the hell is the electric guitar and stuff I came to see?" My guitar teacher apparently was an acoustic buff who had a side gig with an orchestra. I don't think I ever even saw the guy in that mass of humanity that is an orchestra.
Kinda like an opera? Have you ever been to an opera? I ask only half in jest because I had never been until a couple of years ago a friend of mine invited us to have "a night at the opera". Nice dinner at a restaurant, nice stroll to the Opera House downtown. All super nice stuff in the theater. The opera itself was quite the production. Madama Butterfly. Performed in Italian of course. With english subtitles on an electronic display up above the procenium of the stage.
You are correct in that I felt the same after seeing the opera as I do after some good classical music has been played : that was really interesting and required a lot of talent. But, if I still had $100 bucks in my pocket for entertainment, I wouldn't spend it on another opera. There are no bass guitars in opera.
I shall continue, every now and again, to try and listen to something that's "good for me". Its like trying to read a classic book like War & Peace. It hurts, but my betters say its good for me and will help me to shape up and fly right.