Yup, buying stuff and not being sure if you got the right stuff is all part of the learning curve sometimes.
Like lovinthehd said, just because a speaker is rated at 200watts doesn't mean you want to put 200 watts of power on it. Really, many of those specs are pretty useless in practical application. There are many designs and quality listening rooms that never, ever use more than 20 watts of power per channel.
So, rest at ease. There's probably not a need for pumping big wattage at your speakers. Your speakers are rated as 92db speakers. That puts them right in the middle (opinion) between less sensitive (requiring more power to make sound) and very sensitive (requiring very little power to make sound). Your choice of speakers puts you right in the average rating (my opinion) for power required. The ones you chose look like a choice that should produce outstanding sound, not just good or average. So it looks like your speaker choice is all good and no worries.
The Emotiva XPA3 amp is another superb quality device. Emotiva has been reviewed on Audioholics as a line of amps and scored very high marks. Good price performer. Your choice of amp is excellent (again, an opinion) in terms of being able to amplify sound with little distortion and lots of headroom.
So far you are batting a 1000 with your choices. You may have spent far more money than you needed to for the results you will hear, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with the quality of your choices. For stereo listening, (2 channel listening) you're already done. Plug in some source material and you are rocking the casbah. For HT, you probably need a receiver in front of the power amp because the receiver will decode the multi-channel information (5.1 or 7.1 or xx.1) to feed a HT setup.
I hesitate to recommend a specific model because nowadays manufacturers put a model on the market, let it sell out, and then here comes the replacement model. The product cycle is so fast that by the time one specific model gets reviewed, its already on its way out. Manufacturers however and product families however do have staying power. So its much safer to recommend a manufacturer thats got a track record than it is to try and pick a specific model.
If I were looking, I would be looking hard at AVR's from these guys: Marantz, Denon and Yamaha. That's not to say others aren't as good. Its just that I have owned these, or , know people who have. Audioholics also has reviews you can look at for AVRs. They are done with no agenda in mind or kickbacks to the writers. Fairly safe to have confidence in.
Part of the hobby is a little confusion and apprehension. Hopefully, there's also a great big bunch of enjoyment too as you get to fire this stuff up and listen. Your choices so far are pretty cool items that should sound great when you get it all organized