As Mr Boat points out it is very hard to evaluate a speaker on rock music, as you have no idea how the music is supposed to sound. It is processed to death.
Unfortunately mix engineers no longer know their craft and standards are appalling, even among award wining engineers. I can tell you this as I get requests for mastering CDs from musicians who have spent a lot of money in studios. I continually have to send files back for modification again and again as the engineers seem no to be even minimally competent anymore.
However Polk are far from my favored recommendation.
I found
this on the Polk forum about your speakers, that you might find interesting. I have to give them credit for coming somewhat clean. However the guts of the issue is in the last post. The questioner does not know what it means. Well it means that this speaker is not a three way, but a 2.5 way. This means that the lower woofer is providing the baffle step compensation and rolling off somewhere between 500 and 600 Hz. All the other speakers are connected together and running up to 2.5 KHz. This is an awful design and I would expect the speaker to sound very muddy indeed and not pleasing to the ear. This is "White Van" speaker design.
They have filled their responses with obfuscation and BS.
The fact they have expunged all crossover points from the spec sheets of all their speakers, shows they are falling further in their decent to the bottom.