What is the table made of and what kind of finish is on it?
The best way to remove Cyanoacrylate (Krazy Gue, Super Glue, etc) of any kind is with Acetone. Unfortunately for almost all finishes, the best way to remove them is with Acetone.
If the table is wood and was finished with a clear varnish, it's possible to use a razor blade to scrape some of the glue off, followed by sanding and polishing the area. Put two layers of masking tape on the area around the glue in the same shape and gently scrape without bending the blade until the blade scrapes the tape, remove one layer of tape and repeat. Be patient. Once you get to the second layer, wrap fine sandpaper around a small piece of wood that's flat, so you can gently sand the glue. 600 grit is about as coarse as I would use and it will leave the surface slightly white with fine grooves. Be paitient. Don't sand in a random pattern, just back & forth. You'll need to concentrate more on the center, so the outer edge will be higher. Be very patient. Use the blade to check for a small indentation (low spot) in the center by placing the edge across the glue, with the blade in a vertical position. You want to see a fine line of light from the other side. Once you see this, use the sandpaper to remove the sharp edge from the corners of the blade, to prevent scratching the finish. Remove the tape and scrape the glue with the blade again, watching for the glue to become flush with the original finish.
However, you may want to start by taking the corners off of the blade and gently scraping the glue- if the table has been waxed, it may pop off. If it does, you can use white ScotchBrite and paste wax to renew the top.