This is an old thread, but relevant because I've noticed I have a very annoying 60Hz hum on my HT system. It's probably been there since Day 1 and I'm just recently detecting it, but you know how humans are, once trained the subtle becomes obvious.
Everything is plugged into a Tripplite surge protector, and only one component has a three-pronged power plug, the ATI amp. With the exception of the pre-pro outputs to the amp, which are single-ended BJC interconnects, the rest of the system is interconnected with HDMI. The system is moderately complicated, including an Xfinity cable box, a Sony BD player, Roku, Apple TV, cable modem, a Netgear wireless router, and a partridge in a pear tree. I suspect contributors to the issue are the hyper-sensitive Klipsch speakers, as when I swapped in a pair of inefficient JBL mini-monitors the hum was nearly inaudible.
I tried plugging the amp into an isolation transformer - no difference.
I put a Jensen transformer on the CATV coax - no difference. ($70 down the drain.)
I tested all interconnect connections - no difference.
The only real hints I found is that when I switch inputs on the Outlaw pre-pro it mutes the outputs, and the hum goes away. That probably means the hum is in the pre-pro or earlier in the signal path. When I did that test the BD player and the Xfinity box were turned off. Switching the input selection on the pre-pro makes no difference; the hum is present on all selections, including the internal FM tuner.
I'd pull my hair out, if I had any.