I was involved in a contentious thread several weeks back that was the result of my Emotiva XPA 7 going up in smoke. In all actuality, it was making loud popping noises, smoke was coming from the top, and there was a tremendous burning smell that filled essentially my entire apartment.
Emotiva received my amp for repair last Thursday - March 24th. On Tuesday or Wednesday this week - I can't remember and I don't have access to my gmail account while at work to confirm - I received an email from Emotiva stating that the amp had been fixed and that it was being shipped back to me.
I sent a follow up email and the tech said the channel 1 amp was faulty. He repaired it and tested the amp.
I am not displeased with the quickness of the turnaround but I don't want it to be at the expense of quality assurance. After all, when I purchased the amp in December 2015 - I'm sure it was looked over and passed it tests but 3 months later it's smoking, burning, popping and putting the rest of my system at risk.
I guess part of my concern is that Emotiva says that it usually takes 10 - 15 days for repairs and this was only a matter of 2 or 3 days. Should I be concerned? This thing is heavy, a pain in the neck to lift, and I am cautious about putting it back into my system because that whole event was traumatic - I didn't know what the heck was going on and if any of my other equipment was being damaged.