It should work and provide a competitive place to BB for those who see value in shopping there. Of course they have to step carefully, but if they mind their financials and don't extend too far too fast they'll be successful.
As to internet direct vs. brick & mortar, consider SVS. They now have a growing network of retailers selling their product in stores. Having bought at one (and going back this weekend for another sub), I talked with the co-owner of the store and asked if they had also taken in the speakers. Yes, they just started and it's proving worthwhile even though they offer B&W, Paradigm, KEF and a couple others.
Asked why SVS saw fit to have retailers selling at their own internet pricing, his opinion (combined with working things out with SVS) are that SVS had reached a saturation point with internet sales and growth had slowed. They want to grow more, and this venture into stores has given them that. He was told that he's the biggest outlet in the northeast already and it's really taking off. Used to be I could walk in and they had stock on SB1000, PB1000, SB2000, PB2000 and the Ultras. They can't keep the 2000's in stock, the things are flying out the door. Does SVS make less per unit giving a 20% or better discount to a reseller? Yes. They make up for it by reducing the total number of returns and shipping costs, plus the increased volume of sales. When a retailer can demo in-store, no matter what you think, fewer come back. It's working for the dealer, and for SVS.