Thank you everyone for your inputs/suggestions and time...
After further research & reviews, think I am going try the SVS PC13-Ultra...SVS SB13U & HSU VTF-15MK2 would have also met my requirements, I liked the flexible options(ported/sealed) with PC13-ultra & HSU, cylinderical design of PC13, low frequency response,power o/p and footprint&portability of the PC13. I had also looked into Adam's past reviews of his PC13Ultra and other reviews(for both movies & music).. + it "might" allow me to just go with a single sub with its huge o/p and I don't have multi-row HT setup. ( my ~1000 cubic ft HT section is closed on 3 sides(back continues into the larger room), side walls separated by only 12ft and the ceiling being only 8ft tall).
If it doesn't work out, I have the option of trying something else freely , with SVS and that by itself looked attractive to me. HSU still works out cheaper, even with warranty extension to 5 yrs + shipping etc, but somehow SVS seemed more flexible and more accessible customer service.