BS, Mark. Both of you Marks seem to not know what you're talking about. A low crossover point is causing the tweeters the blow? Unlikely. If you've ever asked for a demo at a Best Buy store you'd know how silly this premise is. Sales people are blaring these speakers at high db levels all the time. If they blew out tweeters at the slightest provocation tales would probably be all over the internet quickly. My pair of RF62iis has been played rather loudly in an HT system for nearly three months, and the tweeters certainly aren't blown. I even had some fun listening to Olympus Has Fallen, a dumb movie, but I wanted to see how the system sounded with fake Hollywood explosions and such, and the tweeters survived just fine. If Dr. Mark was right I'd have titanium shards everywhere.
BTW, do we know that it's the tweeters that have blown? I haven't seen a root cause analysis here. It might be, but I think it's far more likely that it's the crossover, what little there is of it on the tweeter. Of course, I'm just guessing, but bad capacitors these days are the bane of the electronics industry.
Both of you Marks should restrain your emotional assertions until the facts are known. The Klipsch speakers are, in my opinion as an owner, very cheaply made. Getting two tower speakers for $600 shipped means probably nothing inside cost more than $20, if that, and reliability is the first thing that suffers. The RF82iis that are the topic of this discussion, are currently selling for $400 each shipped.
Fit and finish are surprisingly good on my pair, I expected worse, and it also wouldn't surprise me if they got a bad batch of tweeters on their hands. The point is, we don't know anything, and blaming this incident on a design defect like a low crossover point is just nonsense without more data. In fact, the data from KEW and me seems to point the other way.
We also don't know what the OP did. What does "full volume" mean? We don't have the facts there either. I am going to keep a close eye on our pair, because if they failed early it wouldn't exactly surprise me at this price point, but I think you both need to be more data driven and less emotional.