Datasat is the largest supplier of pro cinema equipment, so you really don't know your stuff if you'd label them as an obscure company.
Regardless of your opinion of me, my english comprehension, my attitude I find this comment is extremely unlikely.
Just for you I did research (google search) into this field and while I did encounter few new names and few ones I knew like QSC, Dobly, DTS, Bapco,
Technicolor and
Christie I failed to find even a single mention of Datasat.
In addition with only two international offices your claim for title of "largest supplier of pro cinema equipment" seems even less likely.
Some of URLs I used for my research:
Here's a "research" project for you. Google "datasat" and "cnet" and you'll see a nice American review on their stuff. While your at it, Google "ATI founder" and "datasat" and you'll read about his help designing (not building) their amp and noting it to be the best on the market.
Cnet is crock of crap. if you knew anything you would never refer to Cnet as reliable content provider.
I did another Google search and this is what I found, which confirms my educated guess regarding ATI - Guess what, - ATI
is OEM manufacturer for Datasat - aka the latest is a mere overpriced branding. Just like Lexicon done re-branding of OPPO players.
WSR Reber: Before we go in that direction I want to come back to one other thing to close the loop. So we have Adcom and we have Crestron, but ATI has built numerous amplifiers for other OEM clients. What are some of those clients? Kessler: Well, some I can mention, some that I shouldn’t mention. The latest one, of course, is Datasat. We build their amplifiers.
Source: 185 Kessler Interview Part 1.pdf
Regarding: For for "less than 50% of the price" and my math/your writing skills (or math)
Datasat RA7300 amp msrp is as I had mentioned is $22.3k (half is $11k)
ATI 3007 is only $6k
To get RA7300 for less than AT3007 6k you'd need to buy RA7300 for about quarter of it's price, which though technically correct (less than half of the price) it is NOT commonly referred as such.
Thou your own comment is misleading.
Ref: While I am not native English speaker, I confirm my analysis of less than half of price with my colleague.
Aka item msrp is $1000. I tell someone I bought for less than half price. It is common to assume that I have paid much closer to $500 ($450 or so) rather than $100
And finally:
You can go back to under the bridge you've came from.
I am done here.