Hi folks. You're a knowledgeable group and I value your input so I want to explain my situation and gather some opinions.
My current situation is that I have a Denon AVR1912 as the root of a 5.1 system. Because of my room situation now and for the for-seeable future, my viewing distance now and going forward, I've decided that anything beyond a 7.1 just isn't ever going to happen. Not for at least 10-15 years.
The speakers are now an SVS SB1000 sub, KEF R500 L-R mains, R200C center, and R100 rear/surround. I have a Sony BDP-S480 BlueRay player, Sony CDP-CE500 changer, and an Audio Technica AT-LP60 turntable (which isn't connected right now.)The current TV is embarrassing, so I'm going to pick up a 55" 1080P LED today, either Sony or Samsung. Going to 4K now doesn't really do anything but waste money as we sit over 10 feet away, up to 13 feet. The TV is used 80% just watching cable TV programs, 10% BR movies, and 10% Netflix. (My wife watches a LOT more Netflix on her bedroom TV.)
My system is used at least 80% for 2.1 stereo, playing CD's. I have a budget for the receiver of up to $1200, though prefer to stay under $1000 if possible. The reason I feel I should upgrade the receiver is that it has started going into protect mode at the SPL I now enjoy and it's annoying. Of course because the L-R mains are now so much better, my mind wonders if I'd hear a noticeable difference with a better sound quality receiver and music source material.
Today my son and I will install a new TV, switch to feeding the Denon via optical from the CD player, and assign the channels 6&7 to bi-amp the mains. We will dial it in for surround and 2.1 stereo with his SPL meter because I've had issues with the Audyssey which came with the Denon working right. (Sounded like crap in 5.1 after calibration.) This is a temporary solution to the amp power problem in 2.1 at higher levels, and a test to see if optical feed to the receiver's DAC sounds better than using the CDP-CE500's regular output. I will say I'm NOT unhappy with what I get out of it now, just want to know if it sounds better.
Cliff notes summary:
My local AV store where I bought the KEF speakers is suggesting that for my needs, perhaps an NAD T758 receiver would result in more actual power to the speakers and at a higher quality of sound. What say you?