I think most of you are going the wrong way about this. First of all, not only that personal opinion is under no threat, it is being promoted as the measure of everything. So you shouldn’t worry yourself with hurting someone’s feelings or shutting someone up with testing. I mean, you didn't do it so far.
Personal opinions, emotional responses and, unfortunately, snake oil are always going to be there. So you shouldn’t preoccupy yourself with those. Whenever in doubt look at your slogan above and remember most of us came here to escape mysticism, snake oil or plain old selling snow to Eskimos.
It is not about art and science. Not at all. The worst thing you can do is name “snake oil vendors” artists. This would render you clueless on the topic of art. Con is no art.
Let’s deal with the first one: you said you can hear something instruments are not measuring. OK, build an instrument that can measure it. Or simply ask the producer to provide such an instrument. Remember, quantifying a speaker is not a question whether there is such a thing as human soul. There is no magic or alchemy; producers are building equipment not by spell, but by means of technology. So, perhaps there is something in there that you don’t understand how it came to be, but rather than selling it as mystical, find a way to detect what it is and by doing so further improve the overall production.
Second one is how the "unknown" being used. There is no other reason for someone to run away from testing (especially when technology is in question) than hoping he could earn more by selling YOU YOUR OWN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE back as though it is his own product. It is a placebo being used for the sole purpose of taking more money from you. So we’re NOT talking about two options that are simply out there for everyone to choose and they are not the same. One of those is fundamentally unethical. It is plain wrong and thus couldn’t be further from art. You seem to forget, art is not a mystical property of a conductor or transistor, art is the actual song coming out of your speaker.
Ask yourself; when you’re reviewing your own emotional response to a speaker, what are you really doing?? Who is it for and what use is that to anyone? I can’t show you a picture of my dog and demand or expect you to have the same emotional response to it. So the most useless thing by far is saying “I had an emotional response to something so it’s good”. Your emotional response is not withheld inside of the box you’re buying!! Why would you agree or let someone charge you for it? For Christ’s sake! You can have an emotional response and a placebo effect EVEN AFTER THE TESTING IS DONE. Also, you can have a large portion of a possible placebo even if the price is low.
Now, with the “big price placebo” the whole topic goes down the drain. This is simply below human. It is paying for it. It is a prostitution of your senses. And it is the “fool me”, “lie to me”, “make me believe into something that’s not there” type of lifestyle. Now this cannot be promoted and is harmful to everyone. It is not something you can decide for yourself. This should never be supported. Tricking and coning cannot become a standard. And it couldn’t be further away from art.
In the end: one option is saying; look you are a human being and of course you will have your emotional responses, you will experience your music differently every day, but this is no reason to let someone con you into giving him money he doesn’t deserve. Giving him money for something that’s in you and a part of you. And if it’s not in you let’s find a way to measure it.
The other option is saying: look I gave 29,000.00$ for a cable and it is better than all the rest!! I can’t admit I’m an idiot and I have been fooled, I have my ego to think of. If you want me to take a DBT the awful truth might come to light and I would be faced with an undisputable fact that I’m an idiot, and this is no option for me, so, “the man” is not selling snake oil there must be something special about his cables.
The latter is disgusting.