Sorry for the tardy reply, but I wanted to make use of an unusually hot weekend here to complete most of the enormous amount of fall work there is round here.
I have down loaded the service manual for that machine.
I have all the equipment necessary to service that machine which is a long list.
I have the following comments, all the early high gain circuits are IC and almost certainly NLA.
It looks very similar to the Pioneer machines of the period, which I do have experience with.
A big problem, and I suspect the issue, with your machine is that the rec/play back head is burnt out and open circuit in the left channel.
This was common in early machines biased for high bias Cr tapes. In order for magnetic hysteresis not to be a problem, the Rec head is flooded with a high frequency sign wave during record. This is a critical adjustment. Now in the early days they underestimated the heat build up, so head failure was and is not uncommon. The supply of those old glass heads dried up years ago.
I am prepared to service your machine. However I charge $75 per hour. I will have more than an hour into it before I know the problem. There is a high chance the machine will be non repairable.
Assuming the machine is fixable, there will be a host of critical adjustment to do following the repair, which take hours of painstaking work.
There are two identical machines for sale on eBay,
one for $110.00 the other for $85.00
I leave the decision to about repair to you.[/QUOTE]
Thanks TLS Guy. It does sound like it would cost more than what it is worth so I will just look into getting another one. Thanks for the links also.
Servicing tape machines of any type is a labor of love.
These days honestly, when it comes to most vintage anything, the owner has to be prepared to be the service tech/mechanic. That is true of a lot of my audio gear, my CJ 2A Jeep, my three tractors and my generator.
Don't junk that machine though. Put it up on eBay cheap for parts or repair. There will be an enthusiast somewhere who loves to fix those machines, and they are usually well stocked with bits and pieces and parts machines, like I am for Revox reel to reel machines and older Quad gear.