Even with the sensitivity, it merely gives a head start in the power race, and power demands still increase exponentially. It's amazing what "too much" power can do. I've driven my old Klipsch (forte ll w/ crites goodies) with everything from goofy flea watt single ended tubes (bizarrely engaging but woefully inadequate on the power front) to some pro amps. Even though it takes getting pretty loud, I can bring my mainstay ATI 60 watt amp to it's knees before the speakers reach their limits. A refurbished old NAD capable of several hundred watts can produce house shaking, club like levels, seemingly effortlessly. Similarly with the pro amps of similar capacity. It's pretty fun what happens with all that power.
Within that line of Crown amps, the 1500 and above spec as well as any amp, and are worthy of consideration for all the reasons jinjuku points out.