Before I actually purchase it all
I already own but this will only be for HT 5.1 (maybe eventually upgrade to 7.1(
MOnitor Audio Silver 8
Yamaha rx a 2040 (guess this would be enough power)
Rythmik F15
Need to buy the following to complete
( i might upgrade to FV15hp then maybe get a second if need be)
Silver 1 for rears
Silver center
VIZIO M70-C3 70-Inch 4K
You have asked different questions in different posts but I will try to comment on all of them below.
MA Silver 8 impedance concern:
The impedance curve showed the minimum was 3.5 ohms at 165 hz, phase angle generally benigh, all according to a review by Stereophile. Their 4 ohm nominal seems on the conservative side. That combined with sensitivity of 90 dB/W/M, the RX-V2040 should be able to drive them easily in a small to medium size room for normal people who don't want to damage their hearing.
The question on the ohm selector:
Please read the above linked article. I would leave it in the 8 ohm position but you should make your own decision after reading the article to get yourself better informed.
HDCP 2.2 concerns:
If you have the ability to connect your media player (e.g. BDP) directly to your TV and they are both HDCP 2.2 equipped, then not having it in your AVR is really not an issue.
Need for an External amp, such as the XPA-5:
I highly doubt you need one but to determine that you need to provide the information 3db asked in post#12. Even if you do, the XPA-2 or XPA-3 may get you more real bang for the money.