Billy Almaguer
We have an X32 console with two digital snakes. I have an XLR output for my L, R, and Center channels. I have a Crown CTS 2000 amp (actually two of them). One for the mains (L & R) and one for the Subs (Center). I have the XLR from my Digital snake to to a bare connection (all of the inputs on my amps are bare connections). When I power my amp on I get radio interference. When I made the cables I simply took an XLR cable and cut the male end off...and then connecting the bare connection. I am not sure were the RFI is coming in from...I assume it's labeling. The amps are shielded against RFI. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? Here is a link the amp: http://www.crownaudio.com/media/pdf/amps/137000.pdf