Thanks Angie …
Putin is laughing his a$$ off right now. He’s avoided more sanctions momentarily and gained more territory and if things go according to plan, Mariupol is next and he has his land corridor to the Crimea by Christmas. Game/Set/Match. Then he’ll make nice …
Notice that none of the signatories to the cease fire are Merkel, Hollande … Merkel’s chaperone to the dance … Poroshenko or Putin but was signed by “lower-level representatives”. It won’t hold water. This the same crap Russia pulled in Minsk; when it was time to sign the last cease fire, the Russian foreign officer skedaddled back home before putting his Ivan Hancock on the dotted line. This guilt trip over WWII at some point has to stop for Germany … and Japan too, while we’re at it. As the strongest, financially & militarily, continental European power it has to lead. Stop looking to the US & UK to pick up the slack. This is your neighborhood.
Remember what happened last time? Ask the Poles, Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians.
Best quote from the article: “We have no illusions,” added Merkel, indicating Putin had put pressure on the rebels to accept the cease-fire.