I contacted ED MULLEN SVS Tech re that question.
He will need to know your amp, room size, current sub etc in order to steer you in the right direction.
I have a Yamaha 2050, so his advice to me might not apply to you.
He(and SVS) are VERY helpful. below is my exchange.
Here is my question:
I know you have separate crossovers for your woofers in the towers. I have them set to "LARGE" right now to see how they handle the low sounds.
We listen mainly to movies and music(many concert videos)...
When I reconnect my sub, how should I set the crossover for the Towers?
[Ed Mullen:] Almost all Yamaha AVRs have a single global crossover for all channels set to Small. So you need to be protective of the smaller speakers in the system, which will probably necessitate something like an 80 Hz crossover for all speakers set to Small.
So in systems with this type of digital bass management and bass capable towers, we typically recommend the following options:
·Large with Double/Extra Bass enabled.
The latter will send a duplicate signal to the subwoofer for the front speakers, even though they are set to Large (full-range). Try both and see which you prefer.
..... (me)And that is the crucial point in my opinion. TWEAK, listen, tweak, LISTEN, TWEAK, LISTEN...
I think its all between the ears....it's the PURSUIT that is the most fun.
You will love your speakers.