Jelle, if you use XLR in your home, you could opt for home studio monitors as well. I use an external sound card with balanced connections directly hooked up to home studio monitors.
A quick Google search showed me that the DAC you just got has an USB connection. If that is correct, I would just use that to connect it to your PC. The USB cables are, at least in my experience, sturdier then optical cables. This way you can also easily hook it up to a laptop, if you so desire.
All the other advice and insights given on this thread is correct. It is nice to see that people still speak the truth about audio. Take it to heart and you will know where your money is best spend.
The only thing I have not seen anyone mention is your room. The most important thing in the audio chain is the recording, after that it's your room and speakers. You cannot think of them as loose entities, they live and breathe together.
If you want more information on that, Harman white papers written by Floyd Toole are an excellent place to start.
Best of luck, and above all, have fun,