There are as many approaches to audio satisfaction as there are those invested in the hobby. We don't have perfect sound, so to me it seems obvious that any number of approaches must be valid. Complicate that with a budget and clearly the options are both more, and less, complicated at the same time. There is, thankfully, enough enthusiasts in this hobby to satisfy multiple approaches.
I'm not offended by audio products I can't afford simply because I can't afford them, any more than I'm offended by a car with a seven-figure price tag just because I could simply buy a Viper instead, but there are those who would argue that because a Civic is available that both more expensive cars are worthless extravagances. And they might not even be wrong, given their priorities. There really is no "wrong".
There is nothing wrong with seeking out value; even the wealthy can't be talked into buying a $10,000 audio system if they don't see the value in one, despite the fact they can easily afford it. This is a very personal hobby and my approach can hardly be the only approach.
So I'm indifferent as to what others spend their money on, and if asked for advice I first try to put myself in the other person's shoes, then give my honest opinion. It isn't, and shouldn't be "what I would buy" because I probably have different priorities. Nor am I interested in arguing about it ... you ask, I answer, and that's where it ends. Take it for what it is, my considered opinion.
And it should be the same for reviews here on Audioholics ... the reviewer gives his honest opinion and it's up to the reader to make what he will of it. Nobody is hiding the price, so I don't see how that could be a point of contention. Review stuff I can't afford, review stuff I can, and review stuff I feel is sub-par to my current stuff. It's all good.