What New Stuff Have You Bought? If You Care To Share Thead! :)



Audioholic Samurai
That's the one I saw someone had left a review saying it doesn't auto power on when power is connected. I think I dig the AC plug style, like the previous one I found. Here's a similar receiver that actually has some reviews (many of which come from people who apparently cannot gadget).


Audioholic Warlord
That's the one I saw someone had left a review saying it doesn't auto power on when power is connected. I think I dig the AC plug style, like the previous one I found. Here's a similar receiver that actually has some reviews (many of which come from people who apparently cannot gadget).
That looks cool, but too bad the plug can't be closed in. If I get one it has to be tiny(that's what she said).


Audioholic Warlord
I'd eventually will get one, but for now I'll use the 2.1. Thanks for the help dudes.


Audioholic Warlord
New flash. Have no idea how to use it, but that's why there's a manual.


Jeff R.

Audioholic General
Just tried talking my wife into one of those. I really like the look.

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Senior Audioholic
Thanks. I really liked what they did with this year's model. Probably the funnest car i've owned. :)


Audioholic Overlord
I just bought me a toy. This is my first convertible. :D

My brother bought one of those 5 years ago. Was wicked fast (had a Cobra where the Pony sits). I knew he couldn't afford it (not to mention the accidental speeding citations, plus two cops pulled him just to talk "Mustang" with him, lol), but there are worse ways to be reckless. He had fun for about 1-1/2 years before cashing it in!
I like the lines of yours better. They did a nice job of restyling!


Audioholic Overlord
I want to find a way to get them measured some day.
I have been "Afterlife2ing" an OmniMic for a couple of years. Decided to pull it out.
Hoping to explain what I was hearing between the EOS and the RC-10 (EOS on top, RC-10 below).
1/12 octave smoothing, 1 meter, on tweeter axis.
I should have moved speaker more to center of room. They were 34" from side wall, so room effects on bass probably extends higher than it needs to.
These are the first measurements I have taken, so take them with a grain of salt.



Audioholic Spartan
I have been "Afterlife2ing" an OmniMic for a couple of years. Decided to pull it out.

These are the first measurements I have taken, so take them with a grain of salt.

(EOS on top, RC-10 below)
Even with a grain of salt - you can see why the EOS is a nice set of speakers - for
the most part from around 300 hz on down is room bounce - as I do not hear a lot
of boom in the EOS bass.

Thanks for the measurements - I was thinking about sending mine to Danny Ritchie,
however I will hold off for now.
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Leroy Jenkins

Audioholic Intern
I recently purchased some headphones, sennheiser hd600 so I don't wake people up in the morning. They are really comfortable and sound very nice, clear, and pretty neutral freq response. Other than ear buds this is my first ever headphone purchase. So far very happy with them.


Audioholic Slumlord
I just ordered this (region free) from the UK including shipping for less than half of what it costs me in either Canada or the US.

Just arrived in the mail today. I popped in the first disk to see if my Sony could play region free and it can. I'm good to go. I will report back later on as to the quality of the sound track and video.

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