At low to medium volumes, about 70db at my listening seat, I've been happy with soft domes, but at realistic volumes playing instruments that really need a great tweeter, like cymbals, I've only been happy with Beryllium and Diamond versions. Perhaps the dome material has nothing to do with it, and the results are all about other design factors and execution, but that's my experience. Oddly, I've never met an aluminum tweeter I've liked, yet.
Ribbons and electrostatics are also nice, but in a different way than a great dome. There's an ease to the sound that is difficult to describe, and I don't hear that from domes. I've even liked the so-called leaf tweeters better than almost all soft domes.
The only soft dome I've heard that even comes close to greatness is that hyper-priced Seas thing SL used in the Orion, which I noticed TLS Guy used too. Although, I suspect TLS Guy isn't abusing his units with the crossover frequency SL chose. I haven't heard one of those new-old fangled AMT thingies yet, but if you believe subjective reviews they might be the best of all.