You really need to drive one. I had no preconceptions, since I'm not an offroad sort of guy. A former colleague of mine here in the Bay Area bought one, it was his dream car too, and he brought it along when we went to lunch late last year. I was surprised by how poorly it handled on the street, as a passenger. It felt like a boat on a rough sea over the heaved and pot-holed roads around here. I noticed that he had to concentrate to keep it from wandering while he drove straight. The interior was also nothing special at all.
My friend let me drive back after lunch, and the steering was slow and imprecise, the brakes so-so (I expected much better), and the handling felt worse as the driver than as a passenger. The drivetrain also had some mechanical play in it, like an old heavy-duty 4x4 pick-up, and clunked now and then. I should mention however, my friend loves it, but I think he just loves being seen in it.