That was in the 19th century...
France's unemployment rate is currently over 10%. Their budget deficit is about 4.4% of GDP (the US is at about 2.8%), and they're only spending about $52B per year on defense, which means, as with all of Europe, we're massively subsidizing them. They have one of the world's most inefficient tax systems, one facet of which is a general annual wealth tax if your total taxable assets exceed about EU800,000 (about $1M). Figuring out what tax you owe is a nightmare, and you need appraisals for items like cars, jewelry, and just about any valuable item, like fine wine (I'm not kidding). Of course, that's in addition to the standard VAT of 20% (though there are lower rates for things like food), and a 45% marginal income tax if you are productive enough to earn over EU150K.
I think I'll stick with my original statement. Looking at France every once in a while gives me perspective about the US, and I appreciate it more. Personally, I think Europe is in big trouble in the long run.