I bought a HSU stf-2 today. Fall sale: 329 + shipping = $375.00
Main use will be HT and some music
STF-2 Powered
Subwoofer -
Black $329.00
Subtotal: $329.00
Shipping: $46.00
Tax: $0.00
Total: $375.00
My first real subwoofer. After many hours of reading up on subs and going back and forth from HSU stf-2, vtf-1, vtf-2, Rythmic lv12R, PB-1000.
It finally came down to size, looks and price:
PB-1000: was 1 inch wider and I also didn't like the front screen, also $500 for a couple lower decibels
-I did like the warranty and almost bought this one and then changed my mind
Rythmic lv12R: was to expensive $630 shipped and 2 inches wider.
vtf-2: was too deep (23") and too expensive and I wasn't sure if the finish would be to shiny, also it weighs 80 lbs , ouch my back!
vtf-1: I decided I didn't need the extra flexibility of 2 ports... and if I didn't need that
the STF-2 was the right price, right size, and I liked how it looked. Kind of an unassuming box. I like the idea of it not looking like a speaker so much. At least to me it doesn't look like a speaker. I know, I know...it isn't a speaker... it's a subwoofer. My first real subwoofer
Special thanks to "
ImcLoud" I origianly thought HSU was ugly but took a second look at them.
OP ImcLoud:
"I vote hsu, as far as port vs sealed, you can always turn the gain down for less low end output, but they only go so far up...
And as far as the looks, I prefer hsu's finish vs the svs vinyl sticker... All great options we all have our preferences I own both brands and prefer hsu...
also check out rythmic if you dont like down firing... lv12r"