I want to add a dedicated circuit in my home for the audio equipment. (I am contractor, will have my electrician with me).
Normally, a 20amp circuit would be the largest non-specific circuit we've introduced for residential applications. Would 30amp be overkill for this particular plug? Perhaps 2, 20-amps? 3?
Would a GFIC breaker be preferred? AFCI? (arc fault, bedroom circuits by current code)
Anyone used Shunyata plugs?
The circuit would be grounded...should it be independently grounded? ie, not tied into home ground?
The term "line conditioner" came into my lexicon only last week, and I am learning about those too...any input about them would be welcome in this thread.
If this is entirely unnecessary, and can live with the existing 15amp circuit, enhanced with a line conditioner, feel free to save me the time and $$ of this endeavor.
I remain,
Indebted to you all.
Onward and upward