Many folks even famous reviewers at Sterophile have seating against the wall. I have seen the measurements and there are big boosts in the bass response.
Taming that, would have a great impact on the sound balance so I am not surprised that this is well received.
In my situation, I have 20 feet of open room in back of my seating, so it is not surprising that I do not benefit.
Also, switching from Pure Direct to Stereo mode on my AV8801 alters the instrument placement. I am guessing that the additional processing is altering the phase.
I suspect that if you have a good room and full range speakers, there may be more to lose.
So far, this has been my experience.
I have posted room response curves from my seating position and they are not bad.
Even moving the OmniMIc around a few feet as you do when doing Audyssey would produce different traces.
So, some seats would likely get worse and others better.
Perhaps, this is why so many attempts are recommended.
I have house guests and kids home for the summer. When I get a chance, I will run some traces before and after; Paying specific attention to volume
Dynamic EQ is definitely an update.
There is a volume increase which is also good for business
- Rich