This has nothing to do with money whatsoever. Russia views what is happening in the Ukraine as a national life/death issue as far as they're concerned, especially when it comes to the Crimea. Historically the Ukraine has been a personal sphere of influence and their one and only fresh water port, for their southern Black Sea Fleet, is located in the Crimea (Sevastopol). If you thought that Russia would for one minute stand idly by while you choke off their only secure access to the Mediterranean, you're being a bit naïve. Their only other fresh water port in the Mediterranean is located in Tartus, Syria; not exactly a sure thing right now, considering the ongoing civil war there. Why do you think Russia has been such a loyal ally of Assad? Because he's such a swell guy.
If it wasn't for Tartus and their weapons purchases, Putin would've kicked Assad to the curb long ago.
Oh BTW, feel free to "initiate sanctions, tariff's, boycotts, and so on". They will have no effect whatsoever, except to turn Russia to the East, to their southerly neighbor, China, who is starving for oil/gas for their manufacturing base, which is constantly in need of raw materials and energy supplies. Although historically the Chinese-Russian relationship has been one of mutual distrust, I have a feeling all will be forgiven once they both get what they need. Russia gets much needed cash and the Chinese get a secure/constant supply of oil/raw materials. And if you're wondering why this hasn't happened already is because of geography ... it's a long ride from the oil fields of Baku to the Chinese industrial base, mostly located in China's eastern shore ... and like I've stated before, there is the distrust issue.
And the NATO nations for all their outrage/crocodile tears are bluffing. NATO, since the breakup of the Soviet Union, has been trying to gain a foothold in their former client states, on the cheap, with promises of security and access to their worldwide financial markets. Well guess what, it's time to put up or shut up. Outside of food stuffs, what can the Ukraine offer Europe? Energy supplies? Nope. Raw materials? Nope. A strong consumer economy, as an outlet for their manufactured goods. Nope again.
So where is there an incentive to put the lives of they're young men in harms way?
Nations like Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria are all very, very dependent on cheap Russian gas/oil. Poland is the lone exception, because of their long standing visceral dislike of each other. There's a lot of bad blood there and the Pole's would rather eat dirt before coming under the Russian yoke again. Kudos to them but this is why Poland has repeatedly been the battleground between Russia and the West. The Pole's are a victim of geography and you would have thought by now they would have mastered the fine art of diplomacy. Alas, they haven't.
How does this all pan out? I would bet to resolve this issue, the Ukrainian's & the West turn over the Crimea to the Russians and the Russians sign a treaty "promising" ...
excuse me while I stop laughing ... to respect Ukraine's existing borders. Everybody claims a victory for their side and saves face with their respective constituents
Just sayin'