I got pulled and had to blow last night...

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Audioholic Ninja
Sorry for the long story, but I already told it 15 times to different people so I figured I would type it once and share it with the AH family...

Last night me and my wife met a couple friends for dinner, I had a glass of whiskey {double on the rocks} and tasted my wifes cosmo... I ordered bison pot roast and ate the entire thing all the green beans and half the potatoes, and drank a couple glasses of water. We were there for around 2 hours total after we got seated...

On the way home I decided to take a detour and check on one of my properties, the tenant complained that my worker didn't shovel her walks good and there was ice, so earlier before I left the house I tossed a bag of 50/50 in the back of the jeep. We get to the property and I throw down the salt mix {there wasn't much ice and everything looked fine but better safe than sorry, I don't want any slip and fall suits}...

Now its about 10pm I'm heading home, the roads were slick, all my lights were on, vehicle is completely legitimate, I am going 10 mph under the posted limit, driving in my lane up a hill, seat belts on, not swerving or displaying any "intoxicated" behavior, after all the last drink sip of liquor I consumed was over an hour ago...

I drive by a local city cop sitting in a parking lot, he pulls out behind me and follows for about 1/4 mile then signals for me to pull over {lights and a couple chirps}.... I pull up and over in a walmart parking lot, the street I am on splits 2 towns, so now he is out of his town since the walmart is on the opposite side of the road, I knew this but wasn't thinking about it, I was just trying to pull somewhere safe...

So I pull in and turn my interior lights on {its the law, incase anyone here gets pulled over at night, cabin lights have to be on}, I retrieve my licence, registration, and insurance as well as my wifes license so its ready when he comes to the window... He comes to the window and says "where you headin?" so I said "why?", he didn't say anything so I continued "why are you pulling me over?" He says "I'll be rite with you, shut your engine" and walks away with my info....

We sit there for 10-15 minutes, now I'm getting aggravated, I know a couple cops in that town but its late, and I know they work days, so I don't want to start making phone calls.... He comes back to the window {its getting cold, it was 5 degrees out last night we are in a jeep, hard top but still not very sealed}... he asks me to step out... Fine, I do.

I had a cherry cough drop in my mouth and he said to spit it out, so I asked why, he took a step back and said "are we going to have a problem?" I said "are you serious?, you asked me to do something, I asked you why, you pulled me over I asked you why, and now you want a problem?" I spit the cough drop out.... So now I know its going to be an issue, so I looked at my wife and signaled to my phone, she knew what it meant and started dialing...

Now I know its a matter of time this kids phone is going to light up and he is going to let me go. He says he suspects I have been drinking and wants me to take a sobriety test, I said "do you have a breathalyzer??" and he says "will you submit to it?" and I said "yes"...

So we walk to the back of his patrol car and he pulls the rig out and tells me to blow until he says to stop, which I do, .04 half the legal limit, I was surprised it was even that high. So now the curve ball!!!!!!!!!!! He says "put your hands behind your back" {I seen the reading but now I'm thinking maybe it was an 8 and not a 4!!!} he cuffs me and says "your not under arrest I'm just doing this for my safety", now I'm not going to say another word, arrest me and I'll call my lawyer and not say another word about anything, just my name...

He walks over the my wifes side of the jeep now she had just put the phone down while I was blowing I could see her shut the phone, but she picked it back up when she seen me getting cuffed up... He said "put the phone down mam and get out of the vehicle", so I hollered over "easy pal", so she has only had a glass of wine but she is wearing boots with heels {yah I know, 6 inches of snow and she wears a shoe with heels}, so he puts his arm out to help her walk... He is talking to her so I start to walk over and he says "stay over there" so now I say "listen bud, this is getting old, what are you looking for" he was asking her if he could search the vehicle {her name is on the reg.}.

I hear sirens so now I'm like WTF, he called back up, this is stupid... 2 more cruisers pull in all lit up and loud... BUT I see a familiar face, I don't know the officers name but I have seen him at a friend of mines partys who is a day time Sgt {and who I thought my wife called}... So now 3 cruisers and 4 cops!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not saying anything, one of the older gentleman says hello to my wife and asks her if she needs help getting back in the car completely cutting off the cop that initially stopped us and was still trying to talk to her...

The other cop that I am familiar with walks over and says "hey Irv, rough night?" as he walks around me and starts to take the cuffs off, I said "I've had rougher" and he said "cuffs were pretty tight what did you do to him?" I just laughed.. The other cops were talking and I said "is everything OK, did I blow over the limit?" , he made an I don't know shrug and hollered to the other group of cops "what did he read?" and the cop said ".04" !!!! SO NOW I AM READY TO FLIP OUT!!!

I said "are you Fkin serious?, you little prick, you cuff me up and pull my wife out of the car for .04?" and I start walking over to him, he said "I'm sorry sir, you didn't say you were related to Dave" I don't remember the rest word for word but I expressed what a douche he was and it shouldn't matter who someone knew and he had no business being a cop and I dared him to ever pull me or my wife over again, blah blah blah {easy to be a prick when I knew I was rite and the other cops knew who I was}...

The other cops grabbed me my info and said I was good to go, they all apologized shook my hand and the older gentleman made it a point to make sure I heard him say "you and me are going to talk before shift end" to the cop that pulled me over...

I got in the car and my wife said, "jesus what is going on?", I asked her who she called {we know a few in that town and a few others are customers of mine} and she said she called Matt who is a real good friend of ours who called his brother who is a captain... So I called Matty to thank him and he was like "what did you do to piss that kid off" but he went on to tell me his brother told him that kid has some serious little guy issues, and probably isn't going to be around that dept long.

So that was my excitement for the month, and a story I get to share for a few more days until everyone has heard it... I was really nervous there for a second, thinking I was DUI, I obviously felt fine and would never drive to endanger my wife or myself, I am 300 lbs and can handle a glass of whiskey pretty well, but I think I am going to invest in one of them portable breathalyzers just to be safe after last nights experience..


Audioholic Overlord
When I read the subject line I thought you managed to get out of a speeding ticket. :)


Audioholic Intern
Glad you are all good and the wife didn't get hurt/fall down for this tiny man/cop. Never have understood why some cops can't treat a person as a person and not have to instill fear and their "authority" on everyone.


Audioholic Jedi
No reason to get angry about it when you know you are right. I wouldn't have said another word to the kid because he already felt like a tool when the other officers shut him down :) That would be enough for me. Half the legal limit, at least here, is still convictable IF you did something dumb like hit a street sign or blast a red light.

Had a cop get me for speeding one evening and he held me up for a long time. Rookie and he had to wait for an experienced officer before he could even use the brethalyzer lol. So he asked if I had been drinking and I said yes, an hours ago. I blew a .03 or .04 also. "So why were you speeding?" Dinner had made me sick and I was trying to get home...he stopped me literally 15yds from my front door and held me there for 30 minutes... Got a speeding ticket, but he couldn't do anything else and I could hear the senior officer telling him what to do. I WAS speeding, so it was my fault, but he didn't need to hold me there that long after I told him I was about to throw up. My uncle is a retired county sheriff and now homeland security...he gave me his card to keep on me.
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Audioholic Overlord
That's similar to how it would have went down in Texas except the fact that they would have pulled you out of the car, beat you and then put a bunch of slugs in your gut. That's if you know the officer that pulled you over. If it was a stranger, good luck.

My best friend is the Captain of the police department in my town and he has bailed me out of a few small things but I don't abuse it. Some cops are arrogant azz-holes but the majority are fine and if you treat them with respect, it is usually reciprocated. My gut tells me that you were a smart azz and escalated the situation. I was wrong once and maybe I am again....


Audioholic Samurai
Why did you respond to his first question with a challenge?
Just askin...


Audioholic Samurai
That blows. Rookie or not. the police are literally a football field away from my house. 3 cops live in our cul-de-sac. 1 of them is a sergeant and we've had discussions about these type of "incidents". real simple, he says. send 'em back to the station house, take their gun and tell them to report back in the morning. toodle's!!!

I admire your restraint Irv.


Why did you respond to his first question with a challenge?
Just askin...
Because police can't pull you over without probable cause. You have a right to know.

I hate cops. I've never met a LEO that did me an ounce of good. Most are humungous D1cks.

Try this trick:

Want to see how much a cop doesn't know about any of the laws they are sworn to uphold and how big an a-hole they can turn into in about 0.04 seconds? Assert your rights. It will get you cuffed and thrown in the back of a cruiser faster than being a sheep.

Want to search my car? Plain site. That's it. K9 unit? If they want to search your car they have signals to give to the dogs to sniff a hit to get their probable cause.

Ugh. I hate cops.


Audioholic Slumlord
Assert your rights. It will get you cuffed and thrown in the back of a cruiser faster than being a sheep.

My objective is not getting my brains beat out while cuffed up.

So far so good.

Don't think one of those a@@holes can't shoot you.

To protect and serve. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
Ugh. I hate cops.
let's not get carried away now. my 3 neighbors are good guys and pros. it's a hard & dangerous job. you know; walk a mile in my shoes and all that. there is no excuse for what happened to Irv but making blanket statements like that is counterproductive. trust me, I've dealt with many cops. from the age of 12, working at a steak shop to now. they come in all flavors and stripes, good & bad. I don't want to debate this issue because it just gets radicalized and we all become stupid. relax, mind your p's & q's and know your rights.


Audioholic Jedi
let's not get carried away now. my 3 neighbors are good guys and pros. it's a hard & dangerous job. you know; walk a mile in my shoes and all that. there is no excuse for what happened to Irv but making blanket statements like that is counterproductive. trust me, I've dealt with many cops. from the age of 12, working at a steak shop to now. they come in all flavors and stripes, good & bad. I don't want to debate this issue because it just gets radicalized and we all become stupid. relax, mind your p's & q's and know your rights.
Agreed. They are usually just doing their job, a job that we WANT them to do. As with EVERY profession, you get some good ones and you get some bad ones.


let's not get carried away now. my 3 neighbors are good guys and pros. it's a hard & dangerous job. you know; walk a mile in my shoes and all that. there is no excuse for what happened to Irv but making blanket statements like that is counterproductive. trust me, I've dealt with many cops. from the age of 12, working at a steak shop to now. they come in all flavors and stripes, good & bad. I don't want to debate this issue because it just gets radicalized and we all become stupid. relax, mind your p's & q's and know your rights.
LEO's training is militant, confrontational, adversarial, from the moment of stop. Respect and courtesy are no longer employed. It's all about 'establishing authority'.

I know it's not an easy job. They are partly responsible for that public attitude.

Most LEO swear an oath and then utterly fail to uphold it.


Audioholic Slumlord
If I was a cop I would abuse my authority often and with much enthusiasm.


Audioholic Spartan
Ego and perception is everything.:D

Long story short:
About five years ago my wife gets tickets for my birthday to see Mindy Abair, in a small jazz place.
The club owner ends up giving use tickets for both the early and late shows.
It was unexpected and I end up drinking more than I'd realized.

On the drive home we get pulled over. I drive into a brightly lit car dealership and well off the road.

I hand him my paperwork and he goes back to his car for a few minutes.
Then he walks back to my truck and says, "Thanks for pulling off the road so far. Slow it down and drive safe."
The only words I spoke the entire time was, "Thanks officer"
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Audioholic Warlord
If I was a cop I would abuse my authority often and with much enthusiasm.
I still remember when I got pulled over and the cop threatened to take me in for reckless endangerment. He reamed me out for about 10 mins just straight hollered in my face. Said another trooper clocked me at 102 and he got me at 86. At which point I breathed a sigh of relief since I was doing ~135 at one pont.

Only ever been breathalyzed once.....by the cops.


Audioholic Spartan
I still remember when I got pulled over and the cop threatened to take me in for reckless endangerment. He reamed me out for about 10 mins just straight

I don't know how to tell you this.
While you were bent over, I'll bet the Indian and the Construction Worker also took a turn.


Audioholic Warlord
I've had my share of run in's with the police and I've learned a bit from it. If they are older, they are generally less arrogant. The young guys are just awful as they feel they have something to prove. For whatever reason Sheriffs where I live are awesome. I've had them stop traffic for me because I got separated from a buddy pulling into a concert.

The one thing I learned about city cops is that they assume you don't know the law. If you contradict what they say with the truth they don't have a leg to stand on and usually give up. At least in my experience. It pisses them off and makes me laugh. I love it.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't know how to tell you this.
While you were bent over, I'll bet the Indian and the Construction Worker also took a turn.
So which was Alex and which was Doug? I'm pretty sure Adam was the cop. I knew those hands looked familiar when I watched one of his Amazon reviews.......:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
I don't know how to tell you this.
While you were bent over, I'll bet the Indian and the Construction Worker also took a turn.
When I read the title, this is what I was expecting. Handcuffed and then heard "You got a purdy mouth..." So I guess it could have been worse.
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