Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord
I went to get a movie and buy milk. Saw a bumper sticker that said fear the bear. At first I thought it said rear in there somewhere but then I spotted another bumper sticker with a rainbow. He was driving a Scion. I was terrified ... for my rear. I'm getting a bumper sticker with hot dogs and donuts.


Audioholic Jedi
Went back to my home town this past weekend to see my family. It was a good time and great to see them again. I'm taking today off to spend some time with Niki, as she was at my friend's house again (four days after spending five days there a week earlier) and we didn't get back home last night until about midnight. She likes it there, but she seems pretty happy to be back home, too.

I went out to Boston to see my brother - and it snowed about 10" one day. I went home to see my folks, and it snowed every day until the day I left. I like seeing snow, but I gotta say, I do not in any way miss having to shovel it or drive in it. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
There you have it.

If Adam hasn't posted for half a day you can go right to his house and help yourself to all his stuff.

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