For those of you with a significant other that you live with......



Audioholic Samurai
I just want to see if I'm the only one trying to fight an on going battle that will probably never end with the misses. We're moving and I'm super stoked for the layout of the living room, in terms of acoustics and so on, the shape and size is awesome. So this weekend when we moved in I started doing my own thing and tried to figure out speaker placement and everything I knew of to do. She came in and crushed it all and then a small battle erupted because she wants to make everything look nice and pretty and I want things a certain way for better sound. I try and use technical terms to outsmart her and I still lost, no matter what I do I lose.

For those of you who didn't win this battle how did you go about setting up your systems and if you did win how did you win? My Dad has this argument with my Mom and he never wins so I'm not going to ask him.
Ooh, ooh, let me guess; you're writing a new novel, Tempting Fate. :D


Audioholic Warlord
You are going to struggle on this... Period.

Your family room is a place where people visit and see, and for most people, women most often, this room needs to be 'perfect'. As I grow older (43 now) I find myself looking at how I can incorporate the sound better with minimal impact on the room while making the room look better and better. But, it is difficult.

Aluminum low-profile speakers, TV on the wall, small subwoofer tucked away.

But, you aren't talking about that - you are talking about blocking a window which should have curtains and not leaving the mandatory distance between those curtains and a TV. No matter how I read that, it isn't something I would do in my home. About the worst I've dealt with was a home where the TV hung over the edge of the fireplace by about 2" on either side. I refused to recommend that TV to my client until they understood fully what that meant, and I installed a TV of the same size in another part of their home and then they swore they wanted that larger size over the fireplace. But, this was their bedroom, and the size was appropriate.

At the end of it all, it both of them who agreed to it and accepted the shortcomings of their home design which forced the situation.

Now, what choices do you have? You can't move windows. I assume that getting a smaller TV or one with a narrower bezel won't work either... So, it is a discussion which must be had.

For what it is worth as well, I have a client who is in the process of looking for a home. She emailed me and asked about TV placement over a fireplace. I explained to her about the issues with it (mostly bad) and told her that it was entirely up to her if she wanted that and she let me know that TV was important to her new home purchase, so it would impact her purchase decision.

Likewise, when I bought my current home a bit over a year ago, my wife said the following: "I don't care what you do with the A/V stuff, but I must be able to see the TV from the kitchen.

It's about 25' or so from the far end of the kitchen to the TV, but it's a clear line of sight, just as it was in our last house. I gave her what she wanted, and I'm possibly pickier than she is about where things go and how things look so it is a win-win for me. But, I bought my house knowing that this was important. The house would not have been acceptable to me if windows prevented the location to work, or if a fireplace was in the way (maybe). Instead, I have a 10' wide wall with no windows on it and no issues taking my 64" plasma up to a 80" or 90" display at some point in the future if budget allows. The room certainly supports it.

While I can understand being super stoked on your new home, the praise for the layout seems to be a bit off when it clearly isn't actually laid out to handle the TV you currently have in the configuration which you want. Awesome on the new home, but you have to give some serious thought to the aesthetics of your specific setup because you aren't talking about the 'big ugly speaker' on the floor. You are talking about a window and intruding into that space.

If it were me, I may stick with that setup if it works, but go to a smaller TV then find a different/better room for the bigger TV location. But, I'm me, and you are you, so I wish you luck in resolving the conflict and situation so you are both happy.


Audioholic Overlord
I'll tell you something I learned a while back... Be careful taking marriage advice from a third party... USER BEWARE... We do not know you {5 posts, give it time we will get to know you but not there yet} or your wife {0 posts} so we can not say what is rite and wrong....
I'm guessing you changed your mind later in the post. :p Seriously cotton is grown why would she have problem wearing a plant?


Audioholic Samurai
This is all the funniest stuff I've read in a while. OP, you don't "win" against your wife. You have never won, you will never win, and even when you do win... you lose. You will only get or do what she lets you get or do. So your question should be, "How do I get her to let me get a nice fill-in-the-blank?". The answer will apply to HT stuff, cars, guns, motorcycles, safes, dry aged steaks, and whatever else you want.

Some people try technical reasoning, some try logic, some try jewelry or furs or vacations or whatever. But whatever method you find that works, DO NOT for one second think she doesn't know exactly what you're doing. She will understand exactly your motive, your plan, and she will decide whether to let it work or not. It is a game. You both know it's a game. You both play. But she defines the rules, and one of the rules is that she can let you think you win at her discretion. Make no mistake... you will never win.


Audioholic Overlord
This is all the funniest stuff I've read in a while. OP, you don't "win" against your wife. You have never won, you will never win, and even when you do win... you lose. You will only get or do what she lets you get or do. So your question should be, "How do I get her to let me get a nice fill-in-the-blank?". The answer will apply to HT stuff, cars, guns, motorcycles, safes, dry aged steaks, and whatever else you want.

Some people try technical reasoning, some try logic, some try jewelry or furs or vacations or whatever. But whatever method you find that works, DO NOT for one second think she doesn't know exactly what you're doing. She will understand exactly your motive, your plan, and she will decide whether to let it work or not. It is a game. You both know it's a game. You both play. But she defines the rules, and one of the rules is that she can let you think you win at her discretion. Make no mistake... you will never win.
Not sure if srs. I win everyday with my wife. Sure it's fun to play games, but at the end of the day mature adults devise a plan together and follow it.


Audioholic Jedi
This is all the funniest stuff I've read in a while. OP, you don't "win" against your wife. You have never won, you will never win, and even when you do win... you lose. You will only get or do what she lets you get or do. So your question should be, "How do I get her to let me get a nice fill-in-the-blank?"
Exactly my thinking when I suggested "inception". :D

Give her "control" even when she's not really in control. :D

If it's "her" idea, she won't fight it. ;)


Senior Audioholic
I'm gonna send divorce paperwork packets to you guys.


Audioholic Jedi
My current main system sits right in front of a primary window (click My HT link in sig). My chick is fine with it. There were no other options; the adjacent wall has a floorboard heater AND a window and the opposite has a fireplace, so this wall was the only option.

YOU may understand compromise, because you will do it more than she will to make nice typically. Sometimes you get the chick who thinks "pretty" is all that matters, so you need to make her understand you are part of the equation too. Not that pleasant looking should not be a factor or the system dictates the room, but there are ways to incorporate without completely sacrificing. If not, the next upgrade is her.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm guessing you changed your mind later in the post. :p Seriously cotton is grown why would she have problem wearing a plant?
I meant wool, lol ... we went to Iowa one year and I bought her wool socks, She would not wear them, so I said look, I don't think they killed the sheep, and it probably would have never been born if people didn't like wool socks, so we are doing them a favor, wear the socks, she wouldn't we gave them away to another couple that was with us... Its crazy but honestly its something she is passionate about so what ever... She isnt the vegan that preaches about it so that is a good thing, some of her earthy friends can't shut up about it, we go to a restaurant and they have to make sure the waitress knows to tell the chef not to cook there veggies next to meat, I always think to myself, "I hope they rub that asparagus on a piece of prime rib after they cook it.."

But anyway sorry not cotton, she wears cotton, no wool suede, and I think she is anti silk too, I am afraid to ask..

BMX, when we built my house, I wanted the tv over the fireplace, lol.. Its a gas fireplace I custom made the front grate to point down so it doesn't get the tv hot, all works well.. I could fit a pretty large tv up there, but I think we have a 55 or 60, I always buy the cheapest tv I can find...


Senior Audioholic
You're gonna need a man cave. I never had issues with my wife, but now, after I finally got my man cave, she wants to start taking stuff out of the family room. She's not to fond of the big black box sitting on the corner of the family room (PB13-Ultra). We are getting new furniture for the formal living room and I suggested to put a small 2 channel system in there and all I heard was a NO. I'm not going to be responsible if the kids push the tweeters in. That was my clue to keep my expensive toys in my man cave. Either way, not worth fighting with her over this. Happy wife, happy life. :D


Audioholic Spartan
DO NOT, ruin the comfort of your house for sound quality, you do not want to have to walk around a subwoofer in the center of your room because that is where it sounds best
Wait, what? As someone who took over the primary living room in his house to properly place - for the best sound - about 500lbs of speakers and subwoofer, not to mention the ugly, black, 110lb amp sitting on a special stand to one side, or the cables laying everywhere, including the 45ft balanced interconnects running around part of the perimeter so that I could place the preamp and cd player on a table next to my listening seat, for easy adjustments ya know, I gotta say you have your priorities messed up, Irv. Heck, all I had to give up was an entire floor of the house so she could get all of her musical instruments in one place. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she sometimes likes to listen to the system herself, so I have to actually let her touch it. That was the hard part, at first.

And, no, she doesn't have a sister.


Audioholic Slumlord
My current main system sits right in front of a primary window.
You animal ... how could you? :D

I was going to say to the OP that you put what you put where you put it and that's the end of the discussion.

A couple of times I've seen ridiculous gear placement because of WAF. I always wondered why the guy even bothered.

no matter what I do I lose.
Then stop fighting. Knowing you're out matched is a plus.

I don't put gear where it doesn't belong and I certainly don't wire up gear until it's where I want it. Those are my rules.

A few years ago a salesman at a B&M store had the girl talked into buying a TV. I didn't want to buy it until I had done some homework on it but she was insistent. I looked over at the salesman. He knew he had started something and kept quiet because he thought that this was all going to end up with the TV out his door and in mine. I told the girl to go ahead and buy it and then figure out how to get it up the stairs and hooked up. I wasn't having anything further to do with any of it. It was a quiet ride home.


Audioholic Samurai
I was going to say to the OP that you put what you put where you put it and that's the end of the discussion.

A couple of times I've seen ridiculous gear placement because of WAF. I always wondered why the guy even bothered.

Then stop fighting. Knowing you're out matched is a plus.

I don't put gear where it doesn't belong and I certainly don't wire up gear until it's where I want it. Those are my rules.

A few years ago a salesman at a B&M store had the girl talked into buying a TV. I didn't want to buy it until I had done some homework on it but she was insistent. I looked over at the salesman. He knew he had started something and kept quiet because he thought that this was all going to end up with the TV out his door and in mine. I told the girl to go ahead and buy it and then figure out how to get it up the stairs and hooked up. I wasn't having anything further to do with any of it. It was a quiet ride home.
Seems reasonable to me. :D

This is turning out to be one of the funniest threads on here yet. Before one gets "hitched", isn't this something you discusses beforehand, like finances, children & religion.


Audioholic Slumlord
I think discussions might be what's wrong with relationships.

Has anybody ever seen Chuck Norris discuss anything ever? :D


Audioholic Ninja
How about a tv lift, I have seen homes where the tv comes down from the ceiling and blocks windows, then tucks away, plus they are cheap,


Audioholic Samurai
How about a tv lift, I have seen homes where the tv comes down from the ceiling and blocks windows, then tucks away, plus they are cheap,
Uh, cheap? :eek: How cheap? :D I've always wanted something like that in my bedroom.


Audioholic Samurai
I wonder how many of these posts would exist as they do IF the wife had been looking over the shoulder as they were written.


Audioholic Slumlord
I wonder how many of these posts would exist as they do IF the wife had been looking over the shoulder as they were written.
Is she right behind me? Please tell me she's not standing right behind me.


Audioholic Ninja
Uh, cheap? :eek: How cheap? :D I've always wanted something like that in my bedroom.
Drop Down TV Lift - Linear Actuators
my brother got his here, it actually sold his house for him, he had one in the bedroom and one in the 1st floor living room on a 50", the installs weren't hard, even on his first floor unit all he had to do was put a box in his upstairs closet that the tv disapeared into.... make sure you get the cable pulley systems, my brother figured the cables would just follow the tv but ended up pinching them a few times, you need the pulleys..

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