Fellow user BoredSysAdmin got me looking into alternative solutions and XMBC. I started looking into the small box solutions using OpenElec and XMBC. Everything seemed really close, but it really just came down to me wanting to build a full blown HTPC again that could do everything I want today and hopefully down the road a bit.
I started doing all the research... again... and with a lot of help from Bored, AcuDefTechGuy, Aberkowitz, and others, I think I'm on my way. My bottom line goal is that this new box has to be able to bitstream the hi-def sound codecs to my Pioneer for decoding. I want to see the DTS-MA and Dolby Tru-HD sections light up when I watch a movie run on the HTPC. PQ is a must as well, as is a slick, easy to use interface. I spent the past two weeks drilling these guys with questions and reading page after page after page of discussions and reviews on the subject and various pieces of hardware.
I feel pretty confident at this point that I got a great hardware list to do the job.