Thank you for the insight, and recommendation aberkowitz! I have a bit of time before I start ripping, so I will add that to my list of programs to research.
Today is the day though! Any minute now the UPS man will show up to my work with all of my wonderful gear

Its like Christmas all over again!!!
Lets talk NAS for a little bit since that is really the next project. Forgive me in advance if I am asking dumb questions about any of this. I know I have mentioned the possibility of building a NAS box, and I may have mentioned getting an old desktop for that exact purpose. Well I got one yesterday, and it raised some questions for me. I guess my biggest question is do I need to add in a RAID card, or does FreeNAS (or any other) do a software based RAID? Next question is do I need a RAID array for anything other than some redundancy? What I mean by that is will PLEX be able to seek out data from various drives, or do they need to be in a RAID so it shows as one large drive on the system?
I guess we can start with those questions, then go from there. I will get the old desktop hooked up today so I have more info on what I am working with there. I know its only a couple years old, so it should be more than adequate for my needs.