Best Scary Movies - For Sound



Audioholic Chief
I've never been a big fan of the genre myself, but I feel like scaring the hell out of my girl and her sister. Out of my modest library of dvds, I only own one scary movie, Saw. This is a damn good one but you guys gotta help me grab some more like it!




Audioholic Jedi
Darkness Falls. EXCELLENT use of surround, and an OK movie.

Se7en:SE should be on the top of the list too...DTS-ES.


Audioholic Chief
I thought Saw II had mediocre sound? I haven't seen it but I thought I saw that on here a while back. If it's good though, I'll grab that one up. It doesn't have DTS like it's predecessor does it?

And I'm such a nerd I am limiting this to just sound. I don't care too much about the movie, just as long as things are screaming behind you and the walls are shaking. :eek:

Oh, I do have Se7en, I just didn't really classify it as scary, more of a suspense to me. But now that you mention it, it could be good for freaking out the women. :D

EDIT: Also, is Darkness Falls worth buying, or is it just a renter?

Thanks guys,



Audioholic Jedi
I rented Darkness Falls and ended up buying it for the sound alone...but the movie itself is average. It tends to be good to freak out the ladies though :) It is $5 at Best Buy this week! I'd call that a buy.

The Haunting DTS!! (if you can find it) One of the best for sound - This one was the first DTS-ES movie ever done.

Boogeyman - another average movie; good for the most part and then didn't fully deliver, but the sound is great. Rental.

The Grudge - I found it quite entertaining and was really surprised at the sound quality. Great LFE.
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Audioholic General
Can't remember how good the soundtrack was in 'The Ring', but it likely was pretty decent from a surround and LFE usage. Good suspense at times, too... -TD


Republican Poster Boy
If you just want to scare the heck out of them then you need to get Lucio Fulci's House by the Cemetery. I am a HUGE Horror movie fan (over a 100 in my collection) and that one scared the peepee out of my boys. I rented a movie off netflix a few weeks back called " Boo " for a new movie it was a pretty scary ghost story with some very creepy moments. Also, the original Texas Chainsaw Masacre is still pretty scary even today, although it's a little brutal too.
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Audioholic Jedi
My daughter just watched Boo and said it was crap.

I forgot - The Exorcism of Emily Rose had decent sound too.


Audioholic Chief
I saw Silent Hill on Blu Ray yesterday. I don't think there's any doubt that this is the best sounding track for horror flicks.


Republican Poster Boy
j_garcia said:
My daughter just watched Boo and said it was crap.

I forgot - The Exorcism of Emily Rose had decent sound too.
Maybe she was just too scared to admit she was scared:) I thought it was OK for a newer horror film. It was certainly better than the rash of crappy remakes we have been having lately. My wife liked it too. Don't get me wrong it was no Fulci film but I enjoyed it for what it was, a low budget horror film with some good scares and creepy moments.

Just out of curiosity what kind of horror films does your daughter like?


Audioholic Jedi
She said it had some good scenes/effects, but overall it wasn't a good flick. We like the Japanese stuff - Ringu, Ju-On (The Grudge here), whatever Dark Water was called over there, etc... and some of the US remakes of them aren't half bad. I like the old school original stuff like Exorcist, Halloween, Ammityvile, etc... We watch a lot of horror too, but don't own a ton of them.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Clint DeBoer said:
Can't limit this to just sound... Evil Dead P2 belongs in everyone's list... lol.
Unfortunately I bought my copy when it first came out. So the sound is in stereo only - and not very good. It's a classic movie, but not really worth double dipping, at least not to me.

I just picked up Evil Dead, the first one, for $5 earlier tonight. It's got a DD-ex and a DTS-ex soundtrack. That should be pretty good. I'll have to watch it later. This was one of the first movies to really scare me as an adult (hey, its easy to scare kids). Plus it was funny at the same time.

I used to get the international channel and they would show these great japanese horror flicks late at night. Really original stories and well made. I am normally disappointed with the US remakes. It's not that they are bad, they just seem to lack the weirdness (creepiness) of the Japanese versions.



Full Audioholic
It's not exactly scary, but the Phantom of the Opera (Broadway version with Sarah Brightman, NOT the lame movie remake!) is an excellent Halloween soundtrack-I play mine every year with the windows wide open.


Resident Evil isn't quite horror, but the superbit version had excellent video/audio IMO.


I'm gonna second the Grudge... I literally had to stop the movie halfway through and pause it to get my senses back. It really freaked me out and the sound, especially, adds to the horror factor.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Gotta second Darkness Falls

j_garcia said:
Darkness Falls. EXCELLENT use of surround, and an OK movie.

Se7en:SE should be on the top of the list too...DTS-ES.
Good call, I just finished watching it. I picked up earlier along with a few other movies (Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead ('78), Fright Night, Pet Semetary, American Werewolf in London) They really nailed it right with the surround usage. There is a lot going on around you while you're watching the flick. Plus it was only $5 at Best Buy. It was worth the cost, the sound effects are really well mixed.



Audioholic Chief
Excellent, I'll definitely be picking that one up tomorrow. I haven't seen it, but isn't that the one about the killer tooth fairy or something?

The Grudge was one of the few scary movies that actually scared me, and for one simple reason: Where do I go when I'm scared? Under the covers, and that's all I'm going to say. :D

Thanks for the input guys! Keep 'em coming.



Audioholic Jedi
Then you will like the opening scene in Darkness Falls...:D Yes, tooth fairy.

I used to get the international channel and they would show these great japanese horror flicks late at night. Really original stories and well made. I am normally disappointed with the US remakes. It's not that they are bad, they just seem to lack the weirdness (creepiness) of the Japanese versions.
Yep, the Japanese versions are almost always better.
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Audioholic Ninja
Bluesmoke said:
I saw Silent Hill on Blu Ray yesterday. I don't think there's any doubt that this is the best sounding track for horror flicks.
Donno if the soundtracks are different, I saw it on DVD and liked that. Great use of surrounds and LFE.

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