DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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How long before this thread meets its demise?

Interesting. Engtaz- the winner- was to be notified around Feb '09.

He/ she was a regular poster- with multiple posts per month prior to and after- but somehow, did not post between Feb and June '09.

Wonder if anyone has archived posts from that time period. Would hate to think there was discussion of why the prize was/ was not awarded and now those posts are gone.


Audioholic Intern
Interesting. Engtaz- the winner- was to be notified around Feb '09.

He/ she was a regular poster- with multiple posts per month prior to and after- but somehow, did not post between Feb and June '09.

Wonder if anyone has archived posts from that time period. Would hate to think there was discussion of why the prize was/ was not awarded and now those posts are gone.
The forum was shut down from late jan to jun/july of 09'. That is why you don't see any posts from him or anyone. ;)
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
Even though they have erased him from history, its nice that so many people quoted Mark so his legacy still lives on. This is a classic "close" from the Derek raffle:

I’m asking all of you for help… This is a special situation – and we ALL need to dig in and do whatever we can for these folks…

$25 dollars per ticket… 500 Hundred tickets… I’m challenging all of you to step up and do what you can – one ticket… 3 tickets… 10 tickets… This is for one of our own… Please do this through my paypal account I have set up for these purposes… Just log on to and enter my e-mail address

The rest is easy… bp I’m going to ask you to keep track for us as you always do… Thank you…

I’m also going to go out on a limb tonight as ask all of you – whatever religion – higher power – or divine influence in your life --- to pray for Derek and his Daughter on October 9th… I’ll ask Derek to post her name as I’m protecting their privacy here…

God Bless and Keep HER – God Bless all of you…

And he is a religious man, who would have guessed? :rolleyes:


Even though they have erased him from history, its nice that so many people quoted Mark so his legacy still lives on. This is a classic "close" from the Derek raffle:

And he is a religious man, who would have guessed? :rolleyes:
Samuel Johnson said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Today, it is religion. Will Shifty find it?


Full Audioholic
Good quote, Jed. It makes for an enlightening read.
I’m challenging all of you to step up and do what you can
History suggests to us that he's not so good at challenging himself.
This is for one of our own
But apparently the "one of our own" he intended to benefit was not who we thought it was.
Please do this through my paypal account I have set up for these purposes
"These purposes" is now a euphamism for "lining my pockets at the expense of everybody I can find"? Fabulous!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Victim Impact Statement

According to the indictment, over 700 people made donations to the various raffles that were initiated by Mark L. Schifter. During the investigations that were carried out, some were able to provide PayPal or other types of receipts substantiating that monies were transferred to Mark. Some may even have provided product(s) or services thinking that was being done for a greater cause. Others have expressed their willingness to testify if need be. Each of them is a victim. Not having ever participated in the raffles, I am not a victim. I'm just pissed off.

With the exception of those who may testify, everybody else is part of a number whose total is around 700 individuals. Everybody's reaction to finally finding out about the raffles was different. Some have shrugged it off as part of life's lessons. Others have had varying degrees of angst. You've all been impacted differently.

700 though is a single number yet that single number is made up of 700 individual stories. For those of you who wish to tell your story, whatever it may be, the Victim Impact Statement allows you to tell how the whole raffle situation affected you. It permits you to briefly take a step forward from the 700 and personalize how this matter has affected you. It can assist you in whatever emotional recovery you are going through. It permits you to be heard as a victim and allows the court to see that you are important. While MLS has rights that must be respected, understand that you also have the right to be heard.

Colorado has a form that allows for a structured way of telling your story that is acceptable to the court. For those who wish to take advantage of this you may contact the Attorney General's Office, which can provide a form that can be used. The main number is (303)866-4500 ask for an administrative assistant telling them what you want. If asked what it's in reference to, simple give them 10CR527 or the name of the defendant, Mark Schifter.

Please understand the Victim Impact Statement is not for you to say how MLS should go free or that he should spend 100 years behind bars. Doing so only undermines your credibility and the court does not need any of our input on how MLS should be sentenced. Just tell your story. Stick to the facts and how it affected you personally. They'll take it from there. I know not everyone reads this thread so if any of you know people who would like to say something, just give them the relevant information.
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Audioholic Intern
Even though they have erased him from history, its nice that so many people quoted Mark so his legacy still lives on. This is a classic "close" from the Derek raffle:

The Schifter himself said:
I’m asking all of you for help… This is a special situation – and we ALL need to dig in and do whatever we can for these folks…
I think I want to puke...

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
What do you think would've happened if back when MLS ran his very first raffle had somebody written that it was illegal for him to even do so? As a separate thought, what if someone had written of the utter stupidity of considering parting with $6,000 to be an RSL-II beta tester? Could it have even been discussed on their or any other forum?
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
What do you think would've happened if back when MLS ran his very first raffle had somebody written that it was illegal for him to even do so? As a separate thought, what if someone had written of the utter stupidity of considering parting with $6,000 to be an RSL-II beta tester? Could it have even been discussed on their or any other forum?
In what I consider a smart move, Mark actually posted a cleared check to one of the earliest charities. I think because of this nobody thought to question him subsequently. After all you would have to be a serious jerk to accuse somebody of doing what he did, especially after he had shown proof that the money was going to the right place.

I was actually reminded by Suzanne of that check. She and Jess were pretty excited that of all the raffle receipts I originally sent them, it happened to be that one. Jess even sent me an email in between my correspondence with Suzanne telling me how surprised I would be by her response. They just must have been giddy with excitement to show me that check. Unfortunately for them their exuberance was short lived because when I responded with the other 13-14 raffle tickets from AV123 and that is when I got the stonewall about lawyers and letting justice run its course and how she could no longer communicate with me. I found it funny/pathetic that she was so eager to communicate when she had the one tiny piece of evidence on her side but yet confronted with overwhelming evidence going the other way she "lawyered up".

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
In what I consider a smart move, Mark actually posted a cleared check to one of the earliest charities. I think because of this nobody thought to question him subsequently. After all you would have to be a serious jerk to accuse somebody of doing what he did, especially after he had shown proof that the money was going to the right place.

I was actually reminded by Suzanne of that check. She and Jess were pretty excited that of all the raffle receipts I originally sent them, it happened to be that one. Jess even sent me an email in between my correspondence with Suzanne telling me how surprised I would be by her response. They just must have been giddy with excitement to show me that check. Unfortunately for them their exuberance was short lived because when I responded with the other 13-14 raffle tickets from AV123 and that is when I got the stonewall about lawyers and letting justice run its course and how she could no longer communicate with me. I found it funny/pathetic that she was so eager to communicate when she had the one tiny piece of evidence on her side but yet confronted with overwhelming evidence going the other way she "lawyered up".
That's a really interesting story, Jed, and it makes me think of a couple of things. Do you recall if it was a check that went to the Ballet Nouveau? That's the only one that I came up with from the charities that I contacted that admitted to receiving money from AV451 and that was for only $7,500. Considering that 4x that was allegedly raised, that's a pretty small return. The other thing that makes me wonder based on that story, is that it suggests the possibility that MLS may not have acted alone. Allegedly and all that good stuff.

But, Jed, what I was getting at with the post I'd made, is what would have happened if someone had posted while the first raffle was being run, that it was illegal for MLS/AV451 to even run a raffle since it violated Colorado gaming and bingo laws? Would the person who posted something like that be acknowledged as being a good guy who was giving an informed heads-up or would he have been burned at the stake?


If that person advocated for direct donations, probably not. The more interesting question is what would Shifty have done next without a raffle to feed his expensive habits.


Junior Audioholic
Would the person who posted something like that be acknowledged as being a good guy who was giving an informed heads-up or would he have been burned at the stake?

You know the answer to this question already. At that time, this person would have been crucified almost instantaneously. But, the announcement may have made some of the 700 think before buying a raffle ticket. It would have made me hesitate. But I would probably have thought, "no ones going to pick on a guy trying to raise some money for a few down-on-their-luck people," and bought some tickets anyway.



Full Audioholic
Certainly someone suggesting that $6,000 up front for RSL-II's was a bad idea would have been in the minority - some folks would have quietly dismissed such a person as not understanding what Mark was offering, and others would have shouted them down.

Would mention of local laws that made the raffles illegal have mattered? I actually kind of doubt it. I bet they would have run the raffles anyway, and most folks would have felt that the good intentions involved outweighed a law that was unlikely to be enforced under the circumstances anyway.

I found it funny/pathetic that she was so eager to communicate when she had the one tiny piece of evidence on her side but yet confronted with overwhelming evidence going the other way she "lawyered up".
With the group in question, I'm not surprised by it. Personally, if I had one piece of evidence in my favor for one event but knew I had no similar evidence for a bunch of other similar events, I'd be wary of bringing out that one piece of evidence for exactly the reason you describe: it creates a precedent. I'm sure they hoped you'd take that one check and say, "Oh, that's a relief. I don't need you to show me the same for the fifteen other raffles I contributed you, because I'm sure they are all just fine in spite of evidence to the contrary." Absurd...

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
If that person advocated for direct donations, probably not. The more interesting question is what would Shifty have done next without a raffle to feed his expensive habits.
That is a very interesting question.
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