Your Opinions Please



Audioholic Intern
Hello all. I'd really appreciate some opinions on this. My wife and I have the opportunity to purchase either a Bryston 4b NRB or an Aragon 8008ST stereo amp. One of these would be used to drive a pair of Energy Veritas 2.8's, 450w max handling and 86.5db efficiency. Anyone with experience with either of these amps feel free to chime in. Which amp would drive the 2.8's better keeping in mind that the 2.8's are a little "thick" in the mids by characteristic.

Any and all input is most welcome and appreciated.


Senior Audioholic
Both brands have their share of accolades in the industry and among audiophiles. I am not sure about the Aragon ST, if it's similar to the 8008BB, then, it's pretty powerful and should have no problem driving any difficult or inefficient load. I use an Acurus A250 which I think is similar in some respects. And I've heard Aragons and Brystons drive difficult Magnepans in the systems of a few of my colleagues. They are both knwon for their uncoloured flat freqeuncy responses. If your speakers are a little thick in the midband, then either amp will just reveal that easily.

But if I were to choose, all else equal, I'd go for the Bryston. If only for the fact that I am not eactly a fan of Klipsch products whose owners bought the Aragon brand. Klipsch is a speaker company. They may be diversifying but I don't know how they plan to further the interests of the Aragon brand. OTH Bryston remains a Canadian electronics company which by all indication remains strongly dedicated to their amplifier products (though they also carry the PMC loudspeaker brand as well.) I don't know if Aragon issues a 20-year warranty, but Bryston does. And that speaks volumes about the Bryston amp. But that's just my opinion. If you can audition these amps paired to your Energy Veritas or similar speakers, better for you to make a decision.


Audioholics Master Chief

The old Aragon 8008 series of amps are superb in design and function. My previous reference system comprised of the 8008x3 (similar to the 8008ST)and 8002. These amps are a far step above the old Acurus stuff (which in inself were also great amps for the price). Klipsch has since then done nothing with the Aragon brand. They are still selling the same pre/pro which is over 3 years dated and also selling their newer THX certified amps which are mostly repackaged Acurus amps at Aragon prices. If you can get you hands on an old 8008 amp for a good price, by all means go for it!


Seriously, I have no life.
BroonsBane said:
Hello all. I'd really appreciate some opinions on this. My wife and I have the opportunity to purchase either a Bryston 4b NRB or an Aragon 8008ST stereo amp. One of these would be used to drive a pair of Energy Veritas 2.8's, 450w max handling and 86.5db efficiency. Anyone with experience with either of these amps feel free to chime in. Which amp would drive the 2.8's better keeping in mind that the 2.8's are a little "thick" in the mids by characteristic.

Any and all input is most welcome and appreciated.

With that somewhat lower sensitivity on the speaker, you will need power.


Audioholic Intern
Hey guys. Thanks for the replys. Well, after it's all said and done we've decided on the Bryston. The warranty was just too good to pass up plus the fact that the warranty on the Aragon is non-transferable. I've had experience with Bryston products before and know we won't be disappointed. Should have the amp Friday or Saturday...sigh...gonna be a long week...

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