Maybe I'm on crack, but in that green picture it looks like someone screaming to get out or at your mother to stop dusting!
probably is.
Dude, you dont know how bad this is until you have actually experienced it. she is the most in the way person i have ever seen in my whole life. she is so invasive its not even funny and everything has to be cleaned her way. and thats
why she wont listen to me when i tell her to leave my stuff alone.
Take our conversation at dinner for instance.
Me: "yeah so, i think i found out why my tv is broken"
Mom: "oh really, well thats good, what is it, can you fix it"
Me: "i am thinking that it has to do with you dusting it every morning and no i cant fix it unless you want to give me another 1500 dollars so i can buy a new one"
Mom: "NOOO its NOT my fault, i barely even touch it at all. i wipe it so lightly and i dont put any pressure on it blah blah blah"
Me"well you still dont have to dust it every day"
Mom: "well what am i supposed to do, just leave it until 5 inches of dust have fallen on it and you cant even see the picture, jeez, you cant just expect me not to clean it"
Me: "yes i can..."
Mom: "no you cant! i cant live in a dirty environment"
Me: "fine then, dont live in my room"
Dad: "he has a point..."
Mom: "YOU stay out of this!!! blah blah blah"