Dear all,
Recently I bought a Yamaha RXV 1500 and I am fully enjoying it.
Today I had a small issue and I do not know if the reason is in the receiver, in the software or in myself.
I have just received the DVD "Play" from Peter Gabriel. It has three soundtracks: Stereo, DD 5.1 and DTS 96/24.
The Stereo and Dolby Digital 5.1 sound at normal levels. The DTS 96/24 sounds great, but, in order to obtain the same sound level I have to raise the volume a lot, and then, when returning to the Stereo menu, it is quite disgusting the hughe volume increase.
Anybody has an idea if the issue could be in the software (DVD "Play") or in the Receiver (sorry, it is my first DTS 96/24, so I do not know if the same happens with other discs).
Thanks for your help!!