"Wait, did I hear somebody say something about Yamahas. Oh, let me tell you something about the new Yamahas!" he said while pounding the s#%t out of the keyboard. Suddenly, a loud voice came from upstairs, "What the hell is going on down there?!" "I'm typing Ma!" "You runnin' a steno pool down there?" "I'm on the Audioholics forums Ma!" "Online? How the hell do they run those meetings online? How are they supposed to hand out the chips?" "No, AUDIOHOLICS MA!" "Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you aren't trolling those goddamn Yamaha threads again, are you?!" "I'm not a troll Ma. I'm consumer advocate!" "Oh, well look at you, Mr. Bigshot. I gotta' call my sister Gina. She thinks she's so hot because she once bumped into Connie Francis outside the Copacabana. Wait til' I tell her Ralph Nader is living in my basement. She'll flip!" "Wait, I thought your cousin Marie bumped into Connie Francis." "No, that was Gina. Marie thought she saw The Virgin Mary in her drywall. Hey Ralph, when you're done advocating for the battered consumer, do you think you could get off your ass and mow the lawn?" "OK MA!"