Yamaha RX-V463 Hdmi question



Can you please explain me what "switching" means?
I think things start to make sense to me. I can connect the DVD player to the HDTV using an HDMI cable and connect the DVD player to the receiver using an optical or some other cable to get sound from the speakers attached to the receiver.
Can you please confirm that hooking up my Wii using component cable to the receiver should work fine? According to the specifications I could hook it up to the TV as well.


If I connect it to the TV though, I won't get sound from the speakers connected to the receiver, correct?

Also, you probably have a good idea of what I need and want. Which receiver is better? Yamaha 363 or Onkyo 505?
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Seth_L thanks

Considering he doesn't have an HDTV, I don't think he needs either one right now. He could buy one now if he plans to have an HDTV in the near future. He won't have any use for HDMI, upconverting, upscaling, or HD audio processing at this time.

I know you are trying to help, I am not intending to be rude. I am simply making sure the OP knows what he is dealing with.;) I hope there are no hard feelings, I have no hard feelings toward you.:)
Seth_L, I respect your opinions and guidance corrections to me. No problem, you are not rude to me; I have learned a lot from you! Thanks for all your help and feedback; I have no hard feelings either, more like respect ;) You are an admirable young man!


Audioholic Overlord
Can you please explain me what "switching" means?
I think things start to make sense to me. I can connect the DVD player to the HDTV using an HDMI cable and connect the DVD player to the receiver using an optical or some other cable to get sound from the speakers attached to the receiver.
Can you please confirm that hooking up my Wii using component cable to the receiver should work fine? According to the specifications I could hook it up to the TV as well.


If I connect it to the TV though, I won't get sound from the speakers connected to the receiver, correct?

Also, you probably have a good idea of what I need and want. Which receiver is better? Yamaha 363 or Onkyo 505?
IMO, I would take a few steps back (in time) and get a Yamaha RX-V659. You literally have no need for HDMI switching (switching is just like it sounds, it basically performs as a video switch box). There is no advantage to connecting you DVD player's HDMI output to the receiver's HDMI input and then outputing another HDMI cable to the television unless you simply don't have enough inputs on the TV for all your HDMI sources.

Other than the mentioned reason the only other reasons for using HDMI would be to utilize video processing on a receiver (neither the TX-SR505 or Yamaha RX-V463 have any video processing for HDMI) or utilize audio processing on a receiver (neither the TX-SR505 or Yamaha RX-V463 have any audio processing for HDMI).

If you decided you absolutely wanted to connect the DVD player to the receiver via HDMI then HDMI to the TV you would achieve only one thing, greater cable cost.

The Yamaha RX-V659 mentioned toward the top of my post has all the things the TX-SR505 and RX-V463 have other than HDMI. It also has more overall connectivity, power, and features. The Yamaha RX-V659 received accolades for it's performance and functionality.

I would directly connect the Wii's video output to the TV if you can. If for some reason the AV cables are bundled in such a way it doesn't allow you to connect the audio from the Wii to the receiver while connecting the video to the TV you may want to run it through the receiver and use a second set of component video cables to output to the TV. If you can help it reduce cable cost when it's possible. Don't spend money on things you don't need to have, especially when it offers no additional functionality.


Audioholic Overlord
Seth_L, I respect your opinions and guidance corrections to me. No problem, you are not rude to me; I have learned a lot from you! Thanks for all your help and feedback; I have no hard feelings either, more like respect ;) You are an admirable young man!
I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I was concerned that you might have felt I was attacking you (since you used the bold letters). I know you are trying to help, and I am greatful that you are eager to learn and help spread knowledge. It's members like you that make this forum a great place to learn and share knowledge.


Alright, I will connect the DVD player straight to the TV but use some other cable to connect the DVD player to the receiver to get sound from the speakers connected to the receiver.

Also, which receiver should I get? Onkyo 505 or Yamaha 363.

Thanks again for your help so far.


Audioholic Slumlord
All these answers are making this more convoluted. According to the manual of the Yamaha 463 it mentions nothing about having to run separate audio cables to get sound out of HDMI.

It notes optimal connection for DVD for example is to run one HDMI cable for video and sound.

So something is amiss.
For clarity I would put it in point form:

Yamaha RX-V463 HDMI 1.2a

1. The HDMI inputs can pass both audio and video signals.

2. The HDMI output cannot pass audio signals connected to inputs other than the HDMI inputs.

3. Its audio outputs (RCA, digital) cannot output the audio signals from the HDMI inputs.

For all intents and purposes, 2 & 3 are irrelevant. So you are absolutely right, if you want to connect a DVD player via one single HDMI cable to the 463 there is no problem whatsoever.


Audioholic Slumlord
Alright, I will connect the DVD player straight to the TV but use some other cable to connect the DVD player to the receiver to get sound from the speakers connected to the receiver.

Also, which receiver should I get? Onkyo 505 or Yamaha 363.

Thanks again for your help so far.
Is better sound quality important to you? What are your short/medium term goals? If helps if you can tell us more about your speakers too.


Is better sound quality important to you? What are your short/medium term goals? If helps if you can tell us more about your speakers too.
Of course I want better sound quality but I don't want to spend a fortune on the receiver. The speakers I'm going to try out are the Klipsch RB-10.


Audioholic Overlord
For clarity I would put it in point form:

Yamaha RX-V463 HDMI 1.2a

1. The HDMI inputs can pass both audio and video signals.

2. The HDMI output cannot pass audio signals connected to inputs other than the HDMI inputs.

3. Its audio outputs (RCA, digital) cannot output the audio signals from the HDMI inputs.

For all intents and purposes, 2 & 3 are irrelevant. So you are absolutely right, if you want to connect a DVD player via one single HDMI cable to the 463 there is no problem whatsoever.
Are you saying the Yamaha RX-V463 has a repeater? Can it process audio over HDMI? Where did you find this information (Yamaha's site says nothing specific about it and I can't download their manuals because they would like customers to buy their products blind)?


Audioholic Slumlord
Here's the manual.


But please, Onkyo 505 or Yamaha 363? The Onkyo is 7.1 and the Yamaha is 5.1. 5.1 is enough for me but the Onkyo costs less. I don't have an iPod nor do I plan on getting one so the feature on the Yamaha is not useful for me. Anything else I should consider?
If you are willing to spend a little more, the RX-V661 will last you a longer time. It has pre-outs so if you upgrade your speakers and need more power in future you can add an external amplifier.

Otherwise given the two choices you are considering the Onkyo TX-SR505 is the clear winner for under $200. I would strongly recommend the RX-V663 but since you do not want to spend a fortune you may want to consider the RX-V661 (<$300). If you want to spend even less, then go for the 505.


Audioholic Slumlord
Are you saying the Yamaha RX-V463 has a repeater? Can it process audio over HDMI? Where did you find this information (Yamaha's site says nothing specific about it and I can't download their manuals because they would like customers to buy their products blind)?
Optimusprine has posted a link to the manual so may be you can try downloading it again. The HDMI topic is on page 14 through 16 and then on page 67 it talks about how to select HDMI audio output to the unit or another component connected to the HDMI output jack (such as the TV set). So I guess you can say it has a repeater. Repeater or not, the bottom line is that with the 463 the OP can in fact hook up his DVD player with just one HDMI cable without using a separate digital coax or optical cable.


Now the next question would be. What makes the Onkyo 505 better than the Yamaha 363?


you can download Yamaha manuals ..but you need to register

You need to register on Yamaha's site to download manuals. The registration is free and they only request minimal information : name and email address.

Peng, I know the orginal spec of both HDMI 1.1 and HDMI 1.2 say thEy both pass video and audio, but in reality the audio doesn't seem to pass throug unless you get to HDMI 1.3

OptimusPrime wants to connect a Wii which doesn't have HDMI. It is also my understanding that OtimusPrime does not currently have HD TV. In his system I would connect audio separate and video through component. Then either the Yamaha 363 or Onkyo 505 satisfy his need and all the HDMI discussion is not relevant.
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Audioholic Slumlord
Peng, Ik now the orginal spec of both HDMI 1.1 and HDMI 1.2 say thye both pass video and audio, but in reality the audio doesn't seem to pass throug unless you get to HDMI 1.3
I hear what you are saying but my comments were based on what I read from the 463's manual. You can read it yourself on page 14,15,16,&67. Actually if you read the 363's manual they referred to the HDMI connections without mentioning the version, but for the 463 they do spell out the version 1.2a and that it will process the audio signal. Everything does seem consistent with the 1.2a standard.

You may be right about this not being relevant, but he keep asking about receivers that have HDMI despite Seth's recommendation of the 659, so I have to assume that he has his mind set on units that offer HDMI and I therefore tried to answer his questions accordingly.


Audioholic Slumlord
Now the next question would be. What makes the Onkyo 505 better than the Yamaha 363?
More powerful, generall better build quality, and I believe (not 100% sure) its HDMI can process audio signals. The 363 doesn't even seem to have binding posts for the surround speakers.


Okay cool!

I hear what you are saying but my comments were based on what I read from the 463's manual. You can read it yourself on page 14,15,16,&67. Actually if you read the 363's manual they referred to the HDMI connections without mentioning the version, but for the 463 they do spell out the version 1.2a and that it will process the audio signal. Everything does seem consistent with the 1.2a standard.

You may be right about this not being relevant, but he keep asking about receivers that have HDMI despite Seth's recommendation of the 659, so I have to assume that he has his mind set on units that offer HDMI and I therefore tried to answer his questions accordingly.
Peng - Okay Cool! ;) Thanks for your response


You need to register on Yamaha's site to download manuals. The registration is free and they only request minimal information : name and email address.

Peng, I know the orginal spec of both HDMI 1.1 and HDMI 1.2 say thEy both pass video and audio, but in reality the audio doesn't seem to pass throug unless you get to HDMI 1.3

OptimusPrime wants to connect a Wii which doesn't have HDMI. It is also my understanding that OtimusPrime does not currently have HD TV. In his system I would connect audio separate and video through component. Then either the Yamaha 363 or Onkyo 505 satisfy his need and all the HDMI discussion is not relevant.
I don't have an HD TV YET. I will get one in the next few weeks.

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