Yamaha RX-V2600 or RX-V1600




GlocksRock said:
sounds like an HDCP issue with the HDMI/DVI output on the LG, as most upconverting DVD players will only upconvert with HDMI or DVI, I don't think it has anything to do with the receiver. All devices using HDMI must be HDCP compliant for it to work correctly.

Well, my Hatichi TV has DVI inputs and says it's HDCP compliant. I've double checked the set-up settings on the 2600 and the LG won't play a DVD. I've called LG-they say there's nothing wrong with the player and that its the DVD, but I've tried several DVD's with no success. The funny thing is sometimes the sound will play and it acts like its trying to connect.
Got any other suggestions?


Audioholic Intern
let me know how you like the DVD player once you get it all setup and working right
. I wired my Pan s77 to my yamaha rxv1600 and it works great. I am having another problem with my HDMI from cable box to receiver then HDMI out to the TV. It won't work. I get a message that I have a HDCP copyright problem. Not sure what the problem is but I think its a cable box issue. I had to go Hdmi from cable box to TV and then send audio to the receiver from the cable box.. Question, I am using componet audio cable for audio out to the receiver. Would it be better to us digital audio out instead? Will I still have the same audio results with componet? Also, my dvd connected HDMI to receiver and then HDMI out to the TV works fine. Thanks for your help


Audioholic Intern
I too was stuggeling with the 1600 Vs 2600 decision as the TV I will get (waiting for the true 1920 x 1080 sets in Oz to ship) will have scalers. The decision for me was that the 2600 was only 10% more.......
V2600 Owner!


Audioholic Spartan
stevem650 said:
. I wired my Pan s77 to my yamaha rxv1600 and it works great. I am having another problem with my HDMI from cable box to receiver then HDMI out to the TV. It won't work. I get a message that I have a HDCP copyright problem. Not sure what the problem is but I think its a cable box issue. I had to go Hdmi from cable box to TV and then send audio to the receiver from the cable box.. Question, I am using componet audio cable for audio out to the receiver. Would it be better to us digital audio out instead? Will I still have the same audio results with componet? Also, my dvd connected HDMI to receiver and then HDMI out to the TV works fine. Thanks for your help
Yes, use the digital output, you can use the component cable you are using now for the digital coaxial connection if there is one, otherise get a digital optical cable. You can't get 5.1 over analog audio so if you watch any HD programming, you are missing out on the multichannel sound until you connect via a digital connection.


Jimemitchellsr said:
You are correct. LG says that the player will not upconvert If I use componant cables. I think when the LG sends the upconverted siginal to the receiver- the receiver tries to upconvert it again, thus the message re not playing. If I use componant cables, The DVD plays and it appears the receiver upconverts it.
Another point for guys who are thinking about Yamaha. They seem to be the "ONLY' manufacturer that does not have a telephone Help-line. They say to call the dealer where you bought the unit, but if you bought it on line, you don't get a manufacturer's warranty, thus you have no source for information.
Jim - Yamaha did not have an "800" help line listed on its web site. But I called the company at its regular phone number - and wound up talking with a technical support person concerning some of the questions I had about Yamaha's DVD players. He was generous with his time - and helpful in terms of helping me decide which model was right for me (much more helpful than the sales people at our local stores - who had given me incorrect information). Don't know whether I'd have a similar experience after I bought. Robyn


Tom899 said:
Question: I've downloaded the manuals, searched the forums and basically read as much information as I can find on the RX-V2600 and 1600. Besides the basic power increase, it looks like the major difference is the ability for the 2600 to do Up-Scaling to 1080i/720p. Do I really need this feature with the Sony KDS-R60XBR1 TV? Please correct me if I'm wrong; my thinking is, if I plug my components into the receiver, plug the receiver into the TV with a HDMI cable, the Sony KDS-R60XBR1 TV will Up-Scale if necessary and needed. If this is true, maybe I can get by with the RX-V1600 and save a few hundred dollars. Please comment on this and any other recommendations.
Wow! I can't sleep at night thinking of this same question. I purchased the Yamaha HTR-5990 (same as 1600, but mass-market version). Then, I read some more and saw the upscaling feature of the 2600. I went to Myer Emco tonight and talked to one of the salesmen about it and he agreed that the TV upscales on its own. He said that the 2600 upscaling would add some picture quality, but very little (and maybe unnoticeable). However, I ran a small test with my 5990. I have a Sony SAT-T60 DirectTivo (SD) plugged in via S-Video to the receiver. Then, I plugged the receiver into the TV via S-video and via HDMI. The HDMI shows on the TV as upscaled to 480p and looks VERY noticeably better. What I don't know is if this is due to the changing of i to p or if its just a better cable. But I gotta think, if the first cable is S-video, it has to be the upscaling... So now I'm back where I started. Any of you who have the 2600 try out this test with your native 1080p HDTV?


Audioholic Intern
ninetendo 64

I cannot get my 1600 to Play my old ninetendo 64 game....
I plug it into auxillary video, and I get about 2 seconds of video, and then nothing....

a camcorder plugged into the same analog jacks works fine?

any suggestions from gamers?
and how about the xbox 360 and the 1600? Will this combonation work?
Thanks in advance


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