The 2600 is probably overkill for a lot of people, but in it's price range, IMO, I don't think it can be beat.
Yeah the DSPs are pretty unnecessary. They're on just about every Yamaha receiver. But overall the sound in other settings such as PLIIx, DTS Neo6, and the stereo modes sound pretty darn good.
If you don't for see the need for HDMI switching in the future you may want to trade down.
I currently have the 1500, the one year older little brother of the 2600. I'm still very impressed with it. It does not have HDMI but can be found online for around the $500 mark.
I haven't had an opportunity to compare the two head to head, but I doubt the differences in sound would be very noticeable.
You have one of the best receivers available today.
I don't think you'll find anything "better" for the money. But for less money, less than half the money, it's conceivable that you can find something that more than adequately meets your needs.
I suggest you spend as much time as the return policy allows and decide your likes and dislikes are about the 2600 and Yamaha in general. You may decide to go with something totally different. Spend some time here and learn.