I bought the 499.00 UMC-1, sounds great and Im very happy with the purchase. 499.00 with a 40% off coupon towards the XMC-1 was a deal-maker for me.
Below are my initial thoughts/issues:
Emo-q detected my speaker distances correctly and the test tone levels matched my SPL meter within +-1 db. Also the EQ settings were right in the ball park with what I expected.
Input setup was straight forward, no real issues.
I found a distortion problem in stereo mode. I call Emotiva support and they requested I do "load defaults". After loading defaults and redoing the setup, the distortion was gone. Overall the sound is outstanding!
The remote control had a leaking battery. Emotiva replaced the whole remote, no questions ask.
The only real issue I have is the pop when the receiver is first turned on. Not a big deal, but it should happen.
Several forum posts have commented on the great Emotiva support . I would have to agree. Support was friendly, helpful and very sincere about resolving my issues.