Obama really can whip up the positive juices. He's quite an eloquent speaker and has excellent speech writers. If anyone can turn this pile of economic poo into a gold mine, or the greedy mindset of our culture into givers rather than takers...perhaps he IS the guy.
Unfortunately, I'm an old man who has seen this before. And while it all sounds really good....'tain't gonna change a thing, I fear. Nevertheless, I'll keep an open mind. But you can't take nearly insurmountable problems caused by an uncontrolled governmental and personal spending spree and improve them by spending way more in a 'stimulus' package. If governmental spending was all that was required, we'd be stimulated out of our pants already. Even we dumb old pharts know that.
We'll get through this, yes, assuming no WW3 comes along. The rotten world economy, U.S. protectionism, denial of Post WWI German economic rehabilitation, led us down a bad path 60 years ago to WWII. But the stakes are a lot higher now. I hope that common sense and wisdom will prevail and we'll just be forced to muddle through some heavy weight jello that TLSGuy refers to....and not face an internal or external arms inferno. And hopefully dire consequences can be averted.
Man o' man. It sure didn't take long to get to this precipice, did it? I really DO hope you're right, Mark.
This situation remains confused. The major reason is that we do not know the state of the banks. Ben Bernanke seemed cautiously optimistic about the prospects of bank rescue.
The result was an uptick in the stock market, and above all the buying of T-Bills again. I have a close friend who knows a lot more about this than I do, says the buying of T-bills is largely a reflection that the other economies are in worse shape than ours, and that the holders of the foreign debt have no choice but to try and turn the American economy around.
I do think this will be the last chance to pull this off though. The lesson to China will be to develop their own markets and not rely on the US market.
We will have no option, but to reduce and pay back the federal debt, as China in particular will need the money to develop their own markets coming out of this.
We must never let this happen again.
I agree, that President Obama is a great asset, as he presents a professional sensible calm image at home and especially abroad.
Clinton made fun of him only having a speech. She should have realized that was his greatest asset, and outweighed anything she brought to the table by far, in these times.
Just think what might of happened had Churchill not been a fine orator.