After I bashed Tara Ried so much in my initial posting I found myself watching her in a movie I'd (somehow) forgotten she was in, Van Wilder. I don't know how I missed her horrible acting the first time I saw this movie, probably because it was on a date. God she sucks. I was waiting for creaking noises she's so wooden. Seriously, she's monotone, her facial expressions don't change (except her face crinkles like she's confused when she is speaking in an emotional scene or using words posessed of more than two sylables), and she's fading fast in the looks department. Although she still has it for Van Wilder I've got to admit. She just reminds me of the stupid hot girl in highschool we all took advantage of that you just wanted to scream at to get some self respect, until you see her at the next kegger. Maybe it's just that she's incapable of playing a smart role, in Van Wilder it's a newspaper journalist, in her most recent crapfest she was some kind of anthropologist, in American Pie it's some kind of aspiring college student. I give her a year till she's baring it all in softcore unless she: A- gets roles that suit her, B- takes acting lessons, C- goes to daytime TV, or God willing D- Retires.
Do me a favour someone, just watch Van Wilder and tell me if I'm wrong. Oh yeah, and her voice bugs me too.